Feng Jiao is A Skilled Footballer

Gao Longwei was met with a fierce stare from Feng Jiao so he had no choice but to reluctantly let go of her hands and step back.

He didn't want to let go for sure, but he sensed some sort of threat if he didn't. He brushed it off as him being scared that his wife would get angry at him, but the truth was that Feng Jiao was radiating the evil energy that she'd stored up since her last mission.

And that mission had been a week ago.

That pent up energy simply wasn't going to stay inside for very long, especially when some oversized dog was playing a practical joke on her.

"Do you know me?" she asked seriously. She stared into Gao Longwei's eyes as if daring him to lie, but he was too dense to realize that it wasn't a sign of courtship.

He was usually a smart man, but when with Feng Jiao it was as if his brain cells simply melted away. He was usually an ice cold CEO, but right now he was acting like a jilted lover of sorts.

But it was definitely true. Gao Longwei knew next to nothing about Feng Jiao.

Anybody with any common sense would see this as some sort of prank and wait for the producer and cameraman to walk out of the corner saying, "This is John, and you're on Pranked!" Feng Jiao was

No matter how long Feng Jiao waited, no one with a camera emerged. It was disappointing yet somehow relieving. At least she wasn't going to be on television for her stupidity. That was the only positive she could think of from meeting the handsome buffoon in front of her.

Feng Jiao thought a couple of murderous thoughts for a second or two.

The man in front of her was tall.

Very tall.

He was also broad. His shoulders were pretty big. He was obviously muscular too. He was the kind who wouldn't be able to hide behind a pillar because of how gigantic he was. It was something rather disappointing in Feng Jiao's opinion but Gao Longwei had never really attempted to hide behind a pillar either way.

It sounded like something dumb.

But proposing marriage to someone you just met was even dumber.

"Yes, of course I know you!" Gao Longwei stuttered.

He didn't really know anything about her. He should've gotten his private investigator to investigate her, but it had completely crossed his mind.

Now he was the one standing in front of a young woman who he felt innate attraction toward, and he didn't really know anything except her name.

And in Feng Jiao's mind, he didn't even know that.

"Lies. You don't even know my name." she shot her attack straight at him without a moment of hesitation.

"I do…" Gao Longwei interjected with a pitiful stare. He put his hands behind his back like a blushing maiden in love, but it didn't quite fit his stature.

"Then say it." Feng Jiao firmly shut any of his ideas down. She was sure that he didn't even know her name, and here he was, asking her to marry him. It was ridiculous and Feng Jiao didn't like people who made ridiculous propositions. Especially when they were seemingly toying with her emotions.

Feng Jiao's emotions were her own. No one had the right to toy with them.

Not even if they were handsome and fit Feng Jiao's ideal type to a T. Heck, because he was so handsome, Feng Jiao felt even angrier.

Pretty people didn't have the right to go around trying to fool people. This was definitely some sort of scam. If she said yes, perhaps he would be asking her for a loan, or taking all of her personal finances.

And she didn't even know who he was.

All she knew was that he was a CEO and a dominant alpha. And his name, since he had introduced himself a while back. But she hadn't introduced herself. There was no logical reason for him to know her name.

"Feng Jiao!" he said, peering at the ID around her neck, just to make sure that what he recalled was correct. He had heard Kong Xiulan scream her name on the day of the accident. Their first meeting. He felt himself getting happy just thinking about it.

He had always thought that when he would find his mate, he would simply reject them. He didn't need some girl weighing down on him, dragging him down.

Sure, it would be sacrilegious to refuse one's mate, since the moon goddess herself is said to be the one to pair mates, but dominant alphas were the exception to that rule. No one could tell a dominant alpha what to do.

Not without getting beaten up afterward that is.

But the second the cold CEO cast his eyes on Feng Jiao he knew that he had been a fool.

Why deny a gift given to him for free?

But the thing was that Feng Jiao wasn't free. She was her own person, entitled, and wild. On top of that she was resistant to any of the weird werewolf laws as a human. Gao Longwei would have to do more than just be her mate to win her over.

Feng Jiao hadn't even registered that they were mates.

She didn't have the glands or the knowledge of werewolves to know that they were mates without someone telling her. And Gao Longwei had assumed she was a werewolf, and knew, so hadn't bothered to tell her.

Feng Jiao was not going to bother with Gao Longwei until she heard that he knew her name.

With a sharp move that was aimed straight to his neck, she attempted to knock him over. Gao Longwei held on to the hand that was attacking him and pulled her closer instead.

It was at a stalemate.

Until Feng Jiao lifted her foot and kicked him straight where the sun doesn't shine.