Feng Jiao Embarrasses Herself

When Feng Jiao finally got back to the agency after a long sprint, she was thoroughly exhausted. She was huffing for breath despite being the best werewolf hunter in the country.

Going from school to the agency always took around ten minutes, and five if she ran. The house she had picked was also ten minutes from school, but it was on the same line as the agency and school, so it took twenty minutes to get to the agency from the house.

Thus, at a full sprint it took her 10 minutes.

Now a normal sprinter would perhaps sprint for three to four minutes at the longest distance, and werewolves in their wolf form could definitely sprint for longer, but as a human it was positively impossible.

Feng Jiao, however, never thought of anything as impossible.

If she had to run she would run. There were no ifs or buts, only running. That was how she had managed to exhaust herself by the team she had reached the agency.

If she hadn't sprinted, perhaps it wouldn't have made a difference at all. One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, what was the difference? She was already around 3 hours late. No one was going to complain about an extra ten minutes.

Feng Jiao was in panic mode though, she needed to get back as soon as possible. Her brain had long shut down so she wasn't thinking very much.

Right now she was on autopilot, and moving according to her instincts. Her instincts were to run, hide and escape. But unfortunately this wasn't the time to escape yet. She still hadn't moved her things yet. She had to first go back and fetch them.

Once she had all her things, and Gao Longwei and her figure out how to set up the house, she would be able to move in.

She couldn't do any restructuring without Gao Longwei's approval since he technically owned the house. Feng Jiao wan't to paint her room coral, but that was the least of the changes she wanted to make.

The main change that she wanted to make was for camera systems and intruder warning systems to be installed in every room. She needed them so that she could track any intruders.

After all, she was basically an assassin. A target for all sorts of bad guys who simply wanted to take advantage of her, or just kill her.

She had a lot of enemies, and it was better safe than sorry when dealing with big and fierce gangs who wanted nothing but your head. Severed of course.

Feng Jiao turned that precious head, albeit slightly empty, and looked around as she tried to spot anyone on the lookout. As long as she got into the building she could easily make her way back to her room without anyone spotting her.

Then she could claim that she fell asleep in the bathroom so they didn't notice her.

Feng Jiao wondered if there was any way to climb the walls to get into the agency. It didn't look too high, and Feng Jiao was a pro athlete after all. It was all pack and parcel of her hitman job.

She found a little corner she could step on to push herself up the wall, and stuck to the wall like a bird who had crashed into a window. She reached for a ledge above her, and then caught onto it. She had stabilized herself much like a pro rock climber.

She proceeded to lift her left leg, but she felt a little shaky as the wind blew under her. It was scary. Not as scary as being grounded again. She didn't want to be put into her room all day ever again.

It was a rather chilly night, but Feng Jiao was determined. She knew she had the strength to pull this off physically, all that was left was making herself do it. She wasn't too high up, just a couple of centimeters off the ground.

Risking a little bit of pain versus a future of running around freely? The choice was obvious.

And so, for herself, and her future, she pushed herself upward and managed to get her leg onto the ledge that her hand was holding. All she had to do now was pull herself up.

It was a good technique, no matter how dumb it looked. It gave her good balance, and the likelihood of falling was very slim.

But never say never.

The probability was slim, but not zero. Especially when there were external factors involved. Like Kong Xiulan walking in on her looking like a dried squid on the wall.

"Jiao Jiao just get in already." she sighed, looking at Feng Jiao with eyes of extreme disappointment. Feng Jiao was used to this look because she was a professional at extracting it. For her it was the most common thing on earth.

Feng Jiao instantly fell backwards with shock, landing on her butt. It was only a short call, but the shock of someone popping up out of nowhere was enough to scare her.

The fall wasn't at all painful. Feng Jiao had thick skin in more ways than one.

Anyone else might have been disappointed about an elder being disappointed in them, but Feng Jiao was just glad she hadn't been scolded yet.

"Yes ma'am." she quietly called out, ever so slightly hesitantly. She then followed Kong Xiulan inside, marching behind her.

The stiff swinging of her hands was obvious evidence of her nervousness.

Sure, Kong Xiulan was disappointed in her. But the worst was yet to come. The worst was in the stingy, grumpy dragon of a boss that sat inside that room at the end of the hall of the first floor.

Feng Jiao knew that once she entered, she was not going to come out smiling.

Well, she wasn't exactly going in smiling anyway. What was the big deal?

She was going to face this head on.