Macarons and Trouble (2)

Kong Xiulan was walking out of the boss's room and into the hallway when she heard something that nearly gave her a heart attack.

"... Want me to measure your brain signals while you eat them?" was all Kong Xiulan heard, but she was panicked beyond comparison.

She had worked all these years to keep Feng Jiao hidden and now the cover was going to be blown to measure brain signals while eating? Was that not too ridiculous? She was out here, plotting ways to hide the truth, and Feng Jiao was happily revealing it.

It felt like a betrayal.

But Feng Jiao herself didn't know that she was supposed to be hiding something. It wouldn't make sense for her to reject a friend over a secret that she didn't even know she was hiding.

So it was Kong Xiulan's duty to go in there and interrupt the conversation and make sure that Feng Jiao didn't give away any information that she shouldn't be giving away.

"Jiao Jiao what are you doing here?" she asked with a rather stern face after entering the lab. Her presence was barely noticeable at first, since all the researchers were surrounding Feng Jiao and Hu Weizhe to see what exactly was going on there.

Everyone was a little too invested in studying a bunch of macarons.

Feng Jiao herself seemed to be quite obsessed with the macarons. There was no way that she was going to stop looking into the macarons this quickly. She wasn't nearly satisfied at all.

But till now, Kong Xiulan hadn't told her not to research her macarons, so Feng Jiao took a neutral stance and answered Kong Xiulan's question.

"We're trying to see if the macaron's I bought have drugs in them~" Feng Jiao was rather excited as she spoke. Hu Weizhe was pulling out the devices that were needed to measure her brain signals, and Feng Jiao was looking forward to it.

She had never seen one of those before, so she was very very excited.

And understandably. The device looked like it had come straight out of a rather fun looking sci fi film. Feng Jiao thought it looked incredibly cool.

"Is it going to hurt when you connect that?" she asked shyly. While it looked fun, if it was going to be painful, she would rather not do it.

If there were drugs, let there be drugs. They hadn't hurt her so far, what was the big deal? They made the macarons more tasty, probably… She was starting to think she didn't mind the drugs at all.

Addictive? Who cared, the macarons were rather cheap anyway… She would have no problem eating through them every day. Actually she would like that. It sounded like fun.

Kong Xiulan, on the other hand, was not having fun.

She thought that perhaps Feng Jiao had completely lost her mind. It was simply ridiculous. The macarons, drugs? Kong Xiulan had tasted them herself and they were just ordinary macarons. There was nothing too special about them.

They definitely were tasty, but to the point where she would suspect drugs? Absolutely not.

And drugs weren't exactly used to make something tasty… Weren't they supposed to make people feel inebriated?

It was one of those times again, where Kong Xiulan couldn't figure out what was going through Feng Jiao's dense brain.

One simply had to be some sort of delusional freak to assume some random, tasty macarons had drugs in them. It was just so random that Kong Xiulan was willing to smack Feng Jiao over this nonsense.

"You have school tomorrow." instead of scolding her, Kong Xiulan decided to take a more strict approach and let Feng Jiao know that she didn't approve of this stuff.

Kong Xiulan waited for Feng Jiao to respond for a few seconds, but realized that Feng Jiao was completely dazed, and not at all listening to her. She was staring at the macarons on the petri dish and drooling.

Kong Xiulan's blood pressure rose by one notch.

She wasn't exactly the most fun person to hang out with because of her uptight nature, but Feng Jiao was making her even more strict with every action she took. She came back late, and caused all of them to worry, and now she was doing this…

Kong Xiulan felt like she couldn't take her eyes off of Feng Jiao for even a second.

No matter what she did, she simply couldn't get Feng Jiao to stop causing trouble. If it wasn't causing messes during missions, it was pranking the boss, or even just skipping out on school.

Kong Xiulan had been so glad when Feng Jiao actually went to school without her having to drag Feng Jiao out of her bed. It was a great improvement, but it was obvious that Feng Jiao hadn't changed too much.

As Hu Weizhe began plugging in devices into Feng Jiao's hands, Kong Xiulan realized that no one was going to listen to her. There was no choice but to take some dramatic action.

She needed to make sure that no one studied Feng Jiao, so the only other option was to jump in herself, and deflect the study from Feng Jiao to her. She rushed into the circle and pushed her way through the researchers there.

"Hey hey hey Hu Weizhe-" Kong Xiulan put her hand on Hu Weizhe's hand that was plugging things on Feng Jiao, "Let the kid go to bed please."

Hu Weizhe gave Kong Xiulan an odd look and then stopped for a second.

"We're going to finish this, it'll only take a few minutes. You can wait for some time." he looked up and down for the devices that he was going to put on next. He obviously didn't care for Kong Xiulan's protests.

"Fine. Do the experiment on me instead. Feng Jiao has already eaten too many of the macarons for the tests to show significant results." Kong Xiulan was now speaking the researchers' language.

Hu Weizhe nodded and began unplugging the devices from Feng Jiao.