Study Date Gone Wrong (1)

As soon as Feng Jiao got to the house, she reached out for a carpet and spread it over the floor. There was only one carpet in the whole house, but Feng Jiao would get to that problem soon. Right now she had work to do.

Like the very polite guest he was, Gao Longwei stood to the side at the entrance and watched.

Then after a couple minutes of watching with his arms crossed, back leaning on the wall, he remembered that there were trees on the roof of his car.

Yes, it was an expensive car, but Gao Longwei didn't care too much about that. What mattered was that he shouldn't drive back home with the trees still on his roof. That would be awkward indeed. He needed to find somewhere to put the trees.

So like a good husband, he rolled his sleeves up again and walked over to his car.