Study Date Gone Wrong (4)

Gao Longwei coughed. He finally snapped himself out of his rather romantic daze and then gave Feng Jiao a look that she would remember forever.

She had seen teacher Wu give her similar looks, but Gao Longwei's had a lot more pressure and power to it. It was slightly terrifying, but Feng Jiao knew in her heart of hearts, that she fully deserved it.

It was a glare that said, in simple terms, 'you slacker!'

Feng Jiao definitely didn't like the feeling it gave her, but she was the slacker. Why would she ever get the choice of how Gao Longwei looked at her, when she was the one who didn't study and was now causing chaos.

She had indeed given Gao Longwei an impossible task.

To teach someone who hadn't studied much math from the very first year they began studying, math on a senior high school level. Feng Jiao needed to start from factorization, forget about calculus.

Calculus would come approximately ten years later.