Buying Textbooks is Hard (3)

Gao Longwei looked into the book for a couple of seconds.

What initially looked like rubbish seemed to look more and more useful the more he looked at it. The things that he didn't know about, seemed to be written about in great depth in the book he was holding open.

Every word in it seemed to have great knowledge poured into it. The writer was definitely someone who had women going around him at all times. Gao Longwei wondered if the book was going to be of any use to him.

After all, he wasn't on the stage to go around dating Feng Jiao just yet. She wasn't of age, let alone dating him. There was no point in him getting a book about planning dates.

And about planning dates, he still had quite some time to learn. He didn't need to start cramming up knowledge about this just yet. What he needed was an instruction manual on how to pursue one's mate.

"Excuse me, do you have any books on how to pursue your mate?" Gao Longwei asked the old woman without a hint of shame, and then showed that hint of shame with the words he followed his statement up with, "I need it for a friend."

The old woman gave him a suspicious side eye, and then remembered that he had a child.

There was no reason for someone with a grown child to have to pursue their mate. No one would have a child with someone that wasn't their mate. And it was practically impossible for someone to get pregnant with the child of someone who wasn't their mate.

This man had to be hunting for a book for a friend. There was no other explanation for wanting to buy a book on pursuing their mate.

"They're on that side of the store. There should be a big pile with 'pursuing an underage mate' on the top of the pile." the old lady said as she pointed in the direction of the tall pile of books.

They weren't on a shelf so it was obvious that not many people were interested in them. They were just gathering dust in the corner of the store.

The thing was, that no one really needed instructions on how to pursue their mate. There was usually an instant, undeniable attraction on both ends. There was usually no reason for one single party to try to pursue the other one, it just naturally happened.

But of course, with weaker werewolves the bonds were weaker and weaker, and they wouldn't be able to tell instantly, and the attraction wouldn't be as strong.

This sort of book was aimed at those weaker werewolves who needed that extra push to get together with their mate. The whole pile of books were similar books, each on rare situations that weren't very probable, but were useful to someone out there.

Gao Longwei was one of those people.

There were multiple books that corresponded to rare situations that matched his perfectly. It was quite hilarious to be honest. What were the odds of him finding not one, not two, but three books that matched his situation in the rare books section.

It was practically impossible, and a little bit ridiculous.

Gao Longwei picked up all three.

It was a struggle to pull the books out of the stack for the old lady, but Gao Longwei's strength was far beyond the old lady's. He got them out one after the other, smoothly, without any trouble at all.

And at the speed he did it at, there was not even the slightest wobble in the pile.

Most people would have to pull the books out one by one and then occasionally create new piles with the books which were stacked on top of the one they wanted. Gao Longwei didn't have the patience to do that, and he had the skill to remove them easily.

The old lady had considered walking up to him and helping him pull out the books that he wanted, but realized that she didn't have to. Gao Longwei would do it himself.

She sat back and watched him flip through multiple books, and then called out to him.

"I'm going to go eat. You can take the books, just leave the cash on the counter." she walked out of the room slowly, and then turned back to Gao Longwei, "all of the books in that pile are 10$ each. If you buy more than one you can take them for 5$ each. No one wants those anyway."

Gao Longwei nodded and turned back to the books.

The very first one, 'pursuing an underage mate' was something Gao Longwei had been curious about for a while. He placed the other two to the side and began flipping through it.

'Do you have an underage mate? Worry not. We will help you find out what you should do to pursue them. First take this simple quiz to assess how you should go about it.'

Gao Longwei read the book intently and then turned the page.

There were a bunch of multiple choice questions there, all marked from zero to three points. The total points after taking the quiz would give you your results. Gao Longwei instantly started the quiz in his head to see how accurate this was.

'Question 1. What age range is your mate

A. Senior in high school (0)

B. Junior in high school (1)

C. Sophomore in high school (2)

D. Younger (3)'

Gao Longwei wondered for a second. Feng Jiao was definitely a senior in high school. He was sure of it after seeing her textbooks. He continued on with the quiz, whizzing through them at a high speed.

'Question 35. If your mate was not interested in you, what would you do?

A. Leave (0)

B. Try to convince them, but give up eventually (1)

C. Pressure them (2)

D. Threaten them or take them by force (3)'

'I suppose I'm beyond leaving. B it is.' Goa Longwei thought, "A total of one point." he said out loud and flipped the page to see his results.

"Points, 0 to 10. Congratulations, you do not need to hand yourself over to the cops. Wait till your mate is of legal age, and follow the guidelines specified in the book."

'Points 10 to 105. You are a pedophile. Go to jail.'