Attack of the Kong Xiulan (3)

Gao Longwei had no choice but to obey Feng Jiao.

What else could he do? Protest? About what? His choices were to hide in the bathroom, or cause some sort of ruckus and get Feng Jiao into trouble. He quietly walked over to the empty bedroom, and pushed the door open.

There were no attached bathrooms, so Gao Longwei walked back into the hallway and looked around. He hadn't bothered to look at a map of the place, so he now had to search for the toilet manually.

It was a pain, but Gao Longwei was going to strictly obey Feng Jiao as a high quality wife slave.

He could not disobey her after all. Disobeying her went against his principles and his constitution. As a werewolf, he was programmed to obey his mate, and since Feng Jiao had none of that programming, she had one sided control over him.

Except, Gao Longwei was starting to play with her heart as well.

She wasn't ready for any of what was going on. The moon goddess's bond had some value at the end of the day. Even if Feng Jiao didn't have the chemicals or body parts needed to figure out a bond, the moon goddess had linked them up for a reason.

Gao Longwei was Feng Jiao's taste to a tee.

Every glance and she found features on his face that she liked. They were fated to be together for a reason. And Feng Jiao would not be able to deny the attraction, even if it came slower to her. When it would come, it would knock her over like a gust of wind, piercing its way into her, unshakably.

Right now, what she felt could be described as something between a crush and simple attraction. But that mate bond was not there for no reason.

Kong Xiulan coughed through the phone again, and then started pressuring Feng Jiao, "Aren't you going to turn the video call on?"

Feng Jiao peered around the corner and made sure that Gao Longwei was gone. If she was caught with a random man, especially a dominant alpha, that would be a whole lot of trouble. Kong Xiulan had warned her a lot about kidnappings and the such, but Feng Jiao believed that she could beat up anyone who came in her way.

And it was at least partially true.

Feng Jiao could beat up anyone she wanted. She was pretty good at that sort of thing. It was her job. She wasn't worried about kidnapping at all.

She had a gun in her bag for a rough situation. She could pull that out and shoot whoever she wanted. Her bag might seem small and harmless, but it carried more than one weapon.

One of those weapons was Feng Jiao's math textbook that she had to show Kong Xiulan.

Now that Gao Longwei was gone, Feng Jiao was ready to go ahead and turn it on.

So she did.

She switched the camera on and began talking again, "I hate this so much. Can we please talk without the camera on?" Feng Jiao made one final appeal before she had no choice but to give up.

"Oh, just show me what you were studying, and then you can turn it off." Kong Xiulan hushed Feng Jiao with a frown, "There's no need to be so fussy. Just do what you have to."

Feng Jiao frowned, but she eventually pointed her camera toward the notebooks.

"I was studying set theory. I only got half way through. Here are my notes." she pushed the camera toward the notebook.

She zoomed into the pages, and Kong Xiulan almost instantly noticed that it was indeed, Feng Jiao's handwriting. And on top of that, the notes were indeed, set theory.

It was obvious that Feng Jiao had been studying. The untidy notes and the not so clean writing all made it obvious. Kong Xiulan couldn't think of anything to say to that. She almost gave up, but she knew that there was something odd.

There was no way that Feng Jiao was acting suspicious without any reason. Kong Xiulan heard her stuttering and extended words in odd parts of her sentences. Feng Jiao was hiding something. The only question was, what exactly was she hiding?

"Flip the page!" she ordered.

Maybe Feng Jiao had written only one page and was using that page as evidence for her to have been studying. It was completely plausible that it was just a decoy set of notes to show Kong Xiulan.

Kong Xiulan seemed to be obsessed with catching Feng Jiao, but she had Feng Jiao's best thoughts in mind. It was not that she was doing that simply to make Feng Jiao suffer. She truly cared for Feng Jiao.

And that made it worse for Feng Jiao.

Feng Jiao found it even harder to lie to Kong Xiulan because she dearly loved Kong Xiulan, and knew what Kong Xiulan thought of her the same way. It was a relationship that she didn't want to break.

And so when she lied to Kong Xiulan, there was obvious guilt on her face, each and every time. It was apparent even in her voice.

Feng Jiao made it very obvious when she was lying to Kong Xiulan.

But this time she was not, "Here…"

She flipped through the pages of notes she had written in the past few hours, and then looked back at Kong Xiulan. Her notes were messy, but they were indeed there. Feng Jiao had irrefutable proof of not being guilty.

But Kong Xiulan was still not buying it. She had the hunch that Feng Jiao was lying. And when she had a hunch, she wasn't going to let go of it that easily. She needed to see it through.

On top of that, everything seemed clean. A little too clean for Kong Xiulan to believe.

She had to keep questioning Feng Jiao, there was no other way.

"Where are you?" Kong Xiulan asked suspiciously.