Attack of the Kong Xiulan (5)

It took a couple of seconds of eye contact for Gao Longwei to realize that Feng Jiao had come back for him. He was a little bit excited, and it was obvious on his face. He was practically wagging his fictitious tail at her.

He had been abandoned in the toilet for all this time, of course he was a slight bit upset, but that was miniscule compared to the 'she's come to get me' feeling.

In a way, Gao Longwei was acting extremely desperate, but since he was handsome, we can let it pass.

He was tall and his hands were attractive, and he was attractive in general. His striking eyes were slightly sharp, and would routinely share his employees, but right now, they were ever so slightly curved upwards.

If you didn't know Gao Longwei, it would look like he had no reaction at all, but he had actually changed a lot from his usual, cold, self.

He was for one, standing up to greet Feng Jiao, almost looking like he was going to pounce on her.