Attack of the Kong Xiulan (5)

It took a couple of seconds of eye contact for Gao Longwei to realize that Feng Jiao had come back for him. He was a little bit excited, and it was obvious on his face. He was practically wagging his fictitious tail at her.

He had been abandoned in the toilet for all this time, of course he was a slight bit upset, but that was miniscule compared to the 'she's come to get me' feeling.

In a way, Gao Longwei was acting extremely desperate, but since he was handsome, we can let it pass.

He was tall and his hands were attractive, and he was attractive in general. His striking eyes were slightly sharp, and would routinely share his employees, but right now, they were ever so slightly curved upwards.

If you didn't know Gao Longwei, it would look like he had no reaction at all, but he had actually changed a lot from his usual, cold, self.

He was for one, standing up to greet Feng Jiao, almost looking like he was going to pounce on her.

That was a big deal, since as a CEO, Gao Longwei made other people stand up and greet him. His job was to sit in his chair and intimidate some good deals out of his customers. The fact that he had gotten up proved that he indeed thought of Feng Jiao as more important than his customers.

And as a greedy CEO who took advantage of every cent he had, that was yet another shocking thing. He actually thought of her as more precious than his money…

Other than that, Gao Longwei's face had somewhat lit up when he saw Feng Jiao.

The corner of his eyes had curved up by a quarter of a centimeter, not much, but noticeable. He was practically glowing.

Just seconds ago, he was staring at the bathroom floor, moping.

He had come all the way to Feng Jiao's house to teach her math, and he hadn't managed to teach her a single thing. There was no teacher more disappointing than him. Feng Jiao had actually managed to cover more ground without him.

It meant that she probably didn't even need him there.

She was doing fine without him, he was simply clinging on to her all the time. He was like an abandoned puppy who had just been locked in the toilet by their owner.

It was upsetting, especially considering that he hadn't really done anything wrong.

Well, maybe he had, but it wasn't bad enough to warrant being locked in the toilet. It was such a depressing life he was living. He wanted to be like all the other werewolves, flirting with their mates, but instead Feng Jiao kicked him where the sun didn't shine.

Not only that, she had also made him her math teacher.

While he didn't mind teaching her math, the shitty part was the fact that he hadn't managed to do anything of any use.

But now that Feng Jiao was in the toilet with him, he was slightly happy again. It was understandable, but Feng Jiao was in too big of a hurry to understand.

She had one thing in mind, and she needed it done, so she rushed toward Feng Jiao and began screaming.

"Ok- so- you're the father so some girl named Ming Ming- please- talk to my- um- mom" Feng Jiao blabbered at Gao Longwei, practically knocking him over. He didn't know how he should be reacting to her, but however it was, he wasn't doing it right.

"Okay, calm down. Give me the phone." Gao Longwei straightened his tie and then looked into Feng Jiao's almond eyes with a smile.

He knew that he could do it. He could pull the wool over Kong Xiulan's eyes. How hard could it be? He did this sort of thing for a living.

He could easily fool Kong Xiulan, she was just a researcher after all. How many liars could she have possibly come across in her life? Gao Longwei had incredible amounts of confidence for someone sitting on a toilet stool.

He seemed to believe that he was going to be able to do this easily.

Kong Xiulan was not the kind to go down without a fight, just like Feng Jiao. She had practically raised Feng Jiao, so every single habit Feng Jiao had, seemed to have come from her or the other researchers.

Gao Longwei didn't know Kong Xiulan at all, let alone well enough to trick her easily.

But the best part was that he did not think it was going to be difficult. It probably wasn't, but there was no guarantee. Gao Longwei didn't want to be lying to the 'mother' of his ate, but when it came from Feng Jiao herself, there was no way that he could refuse.

He smiled and reached out for the phone.

Feng Jiao smiled back at him.

The atmosphere was like two lovers in a garden, sweet and harmonious. It even smelled like a garden. No wait, that was the bathroom air freshener…

The two of them were looking at each other intently. They were ignoring the setting, the things around them, and flirting with their eyes. Feng Jiao couldn't stop looking into Gao Longwei's dark, brooding eyes and sinking into them.

Even though they were in a toilet, the two of them were in their own world.

Then the phone rang again, cutting them out of their beautiful time.

Gao Longwei wondered if that phone was some sort of ill omen. It always broke the mood when he was with Feng Jiao.

The tiny pink phone would've felt rather indignant if it was alive and could hear Gao Longwei's thoughts. It had done nothing wrong, it was just Kong Xiulan calling over and over again to harass them.

"Give me the phone. I'll talk to her." Gao Longwei's smile was charming and domineering. It wasn't a grin that was noticeable, but Feng Jiao had now begun to notice.

His CEO charm was finally coming into use.