Genius Girl Feng Jiao (1)

Feng Jiao was speechless. She looked into Gao Longwei's eyes as he said what he said, and then thought for a second about it.

He hadn't even told her that he wanted her to sleep here.

He should have at least given her a heads up. Now she was standing in the corner of the toilet, unable to say anything. She felt her legs getting weak and she leaned against the corner of the toilet, slowly sliding down as she lost the strength in her legs.

Gao Longwei looked at her curiously, and then pointed to the washstand. He thought Feng Jiao was getting bored of standing in the corner, and thus directed her to sit on the washstand instead.

Feng Jiao slowly walked there without saying a word, and with a little jump, she sat on the washstand. As she sat up there, she swung her feet. In a way, she was sitting right next to Gao Longwei. There was just the gap between the washstand and toilet seat between them.

Feng Jiao sat there listening as Gao Longwei and Kong Xiulan talked for a while, and got extremely bored. It was never fun waiting for people to finish their conversations, and Feng Jiao was getting pretty grumpy.

She didn't seem to want to do anything useful anyway.

"Sure then. I'll let Feng Jiao know. Thank you for your cooperation." Gao Longwei quickly finished up the conversation with Kong Xiulan, and then looked at Feng Jiao, who was staring at him quite expectantly.

She wanted to know what the rest of the conversation had been about.

Even on speakerphone, she could barely hear Gao Longwei and Kong Xiulan's conversation. Unless she put in a lot of effort to make out the words, she didn't know what was going on, so instead she gave up. She just sat there, dazed, thinking about unrelated things.

Feng Jiao was getting a little bit sleepy, but it was still the evening.

The sun was nowhere near setting, and Feng Jiao's math syllabus was nowhere near completed. Or at least the math syllabus that she thought she had to complete.

She was already one third way in, but she didn't know that.

Feng Jiao looked at Gao Longwei with widened eyes. Her eyes had an alluring charm to them. They were quite dark, where you would think they were black, but in the light you could see speckles of brown in them.

In the harsh toilet lighting, Feng Jiao's eyes clearly shone with the little brown speckles.

Gao Longwei quite liked staring into them.

"Your mom gave you permission to stay over." he said with a rather thrilled grin, "she says she hoped you study hard."

Feng Jiao glared at him with a little pout.

She was actually planning to stay over anyway, and finish her work. She was going to ask Kong Xiulan for permission to do that. But now that Gao Longwei had asked first, it felt like the decision was taken out of her hands.

She didn't like that at all.

She was slightly grumpy now, and Gao Longwei was going to have to deal with that.

He knew exactly how to deal with it, but it wasn't the right way to deal with it. He should have reacted with more tact, after all, he was dealing with a young lady. The answer he gave was an answer, but definitely not the right one.

Gao Longwei smield at Feng Jiao, just barely lifting the corners of his lips.

For some reason Feng Jiao shuddered when she saw that smile. A sign of what was coming for her. Gao Longwei was not there to play. If he was, he wouldn't have bought textbooks to Feng Jiao's house.

But before he started the dictator style studying, he decided to go pick up the rest of the textbooks. He also needed to get two bedsheets for each of the rooms that he and Feng Jiao were going to be staying in.

Oh and, pillows and blankets.

He probably didn't really need any, but Feng Jiao definitely did. She was a young lady who deserved to be pampered. He couldn't just let her sleep without any pillows or blankets.

He would definitely be shocked to find out that Feng Jiao was actually used to sleeping on the bare floor for her missions.

Sure, her room was decked out with pink decorations, and her bed was covered in pink plushies, pillows and blankets, but that didn't mean anything at all. It just meant she liked pink. Feng Jiao could definitely sleep wherever, whenever.

She was used to not sleeping for stretches of times, waiting around for the opportunity to strike. It was no big deal to sleep on a bed without any blankets or plushies.

That would actually be a bed and a mattress more than what she was used to.

"Let's first leave the toilet. I'll go buy some things, you start studying from the fourth and fifth grade textbooks. If you finish early, you can take a break." Gao Longwei walked out of the toilet with long strides and a slight frown that was always naturally plastered on his face.

Feng Jiao quietly followed after him.

She had a lot of studying to do.

She was going to have to go through a whole bunch of textbooks and it was only going to get harder and harder as time went on. She wasn't ready for this, and she probably never would be.

She needed to suck it up and get over it.

Feng Jiao marched behind Gao Longwei all the way up to the front door without much of a reaction. She waved him goodbye, and then shut the door after him, with no reaction yet again.

It was only when she finally picked up a textbook, the fourth grade one to be precise, that she broke into a wide smile.

She understood all of this!

This was the first time she understood all the contents of a textbook!