Wisdom at the Bookstore (1)

Gao Longwei left the house to go get the rest of the books and some house supplies. How he ended up sitting in front of the old lady who owned the bookstore, reciting his love troubles, god only knew.

It was such a strange combination.

Him, CEO in a suit, dressed up as if he was going to a business meeting, and a little old lady in a flowery dress, on wobbly wooden chairs in the middle of a rustic bookstore. It was such an unlikely combination that it was hard to believe.

Gao Longwei could never imagine that he would be in the situation that he was in.

It was an odd one for sure, but he strangely didn't feel uncomfortable.

It was as if this was a natural position for him to be in.

The rustic bookstore had the feel of a place that had outlived many generations, and the scent of old and new books permeated the air and gave the place a rather unique smell. Gao Longwei had especially sharp senses because of his dominant alpha constitution.