I Think I Want to Marry Him

It didn't take Feng Jiao long to solve the problem after seeing how Gao Longwei had solved the other ones. It was not hard anymore. She had figured out the method, and now it was easy to just go through the problems.

She stretched backwards with a yawn, like a cat, and then plopped forward, onto her belly.

"I'm so tired!" she whined spoiledly.

Gao Longwei could instantly tell that Feg Jiao had indeed consumed all of her seemingly infinite stash of energy. Even though it seemed like it might have gone on forever, it ended pretty soon.

Math was exhausting by itself, let alone going through seven years of syllabus and then starting on the year you were in. It was so hard that Feng Jiao wanted to cry at least ten times in between.

Gao Longwei was definitely strict, but he often gave into Feng Jiao's demands without much of a fight. He didn't really think that she would be able to stick it out, but she did. Gao Longwei was incredibly proud of her for getting through all of that.

It sounded very inhuman to make one child go through all of that in one day, now that he thought about it. But what could he do, if she had come earlier to him it wouldn't have been an issue. But instead she was there two days before her exam.

He was a great teacher, but not a miracle worker.

He needed some space to make her learn, and without that space, he needed to jam it all into some continuous bouts of studying.

And to absorb that, she needed rest.

So Gao Longwei was merciful and allowed her to go get a nap, and hopefully be in good shape for the next day of studying ahead.

Now the main problem was how and where they were going to sleep.

There were two beds. Feng Jiao could take one of them, and he could take the other. He had bought bedsheets for both, and a couple of pillows and blankets for Feng Jiao just in case she was someone who needed them to sleep.

He didn't know about her sleeping preferences yet, so he had to be considerate and think of all possibilities that could allow her or disallow her from getting a good night's sleep and working the rest of the day tomorrow.

"You take the main bedroom, I'll take the guest one." he said with a smile, "You've earned your time to sleep."

Feng Jiao felt proud from all the praise she had been receiving lately. It was pretty rare for her to get as much praise as she was getting, but she was enjoying it.

Maybe her head was even getting a little swollen.

"Are there sheets on the beds?" Feng Jiao asked as if she wasn't the owner of the house they were in, and Gao Longwei was at best, the landlord, and at worst, a guest.

She was a little bit shameless, but it wasn't a big deal. Gao Longwei liked her either way, and he was willing to spoil her as much as she wanted to be spoiled. It was not a big deal to him, so Feng Jiao was slowly prodigy to find his bottom line.

It did not seem like he had one.

Or maybe, he only didn't have one when it came to Feng Jiao.

But he had been quite strict when it came to her studying. So Feng Jiao knew he had some sort of bottom line. It was just very far, and only came up for certain things. She could do whatever she wanted when it wasn't that sort of thing.

"I don't think so." Gao Longwei said with an unbothered smile, "I'll go put them on."

As a professional wife slave, the CEO in the suit walked to the room with pink bedsheet in hand. His walking style was like a demure wife from the 1950s, and he looked like he was being bullied.

The short emperor got onto the sofa and crossed her legs domineeringly.

She was the boss in this house, and Gao Longwei was her little slave. Or at least it looked that way. Feng Jiao leaned back with great amounts of attitude, and then smiled at Gao Longwei's figure that was rushing through the bag to find the blankets and pillows for her.

Every single thing in that bag was pink.

Feng Jiao didn't know if he had figured her tastes out, or he had simply gotten whatever looked girly. Either way, he had picked up some incredibly cute things that she appreciated a lot.

She decided to follow him, her feet moving in tiny footsteps that were light and swift. Like an assassin's footsteps. Oh wait, she was an assassin of sorts.

Either way, she followed Gao Longwei into the master bedroom and watched as he carefully spread out all the sheets and pillows for Feng Jiao. He even placed a little plushie at the head of the bed, presumably for her to cuddle with.

Feng Jiao appreciated that even more than the pink sheets.

They were adorable, and matched exactly with the ones she had back at the agency. She was definitely going to add those to her collection and then treasure them for a very long time. They were very adorable.

She watched as he spread out of the sheets, his muscles flexing every time he tucked the corners of the sheets in.

The more Feng Jiao watched, the longer she stared at him, the more emotions she felt rushing into her head. This man looked exactly how she would imagine her future lover to look, now that she had seen him.

This man was perfectly to her taste, be it looks, body, intellect, charm or even how considerate he was.

The only problem was that he was a dominant werewolf.

But that had long been thrown to the back of her mind.

'I think I want to marry him.'