Military Amusement Park (2)

Feng Jiao practically jumped off the jeep and looked around, and to her great surprise, there were no death ray stands just sitting around.

It was such a tragedy. She had expected so much, and she had been let down yet again. All she wanted was one singular death ray, and there wasn't a single one to be seen around. It was either her misfortune, or this military camp was nothing like the documentaries.

She had expected all sorts of cool things in every corner of the camp, but instead, it was just dry and empty land with tents and buildings as far as one could see.

It could completely pass off for a camping site or something of that sort.

Feng Jiao was disappointed to say the least.

She had come with such great expectations in mind, and the only thing she had gotten was let down. It was not worth the jeep ride from what she was seeing. She should've just let the boss come alone.

It was ridiculously hot at the military camp, as if they were using heat to torture prisoners of war or something like that.

Feng Jiao was completely unaware of the fact that there were no prisoners of war in there. There hadn't even been a major war in the last fifty years. There was no way there would be prisoners of war in the one military camp in the middle of nowhere.

Her imagination was really running away with her. It was stupid of her to be thinking the way that she was thinking.

The boss didn't know what Feng Jiao was thinking about, but he could see that she was disappointed with the military camp. He had a feeling that this would happen, but he didn't expect it to happen this soon.

He thought that she would at least enter the camp before getting fed up with it.

She had barely seen the exterior, and here she was, upset.

The boss could see that she was trying her hardest not to complain, but she was also failing at it pretty badly.

"It's so hot here!" she whined.

She was not appreciating the temperature of the place, nor the look. The ground was all dry, cracked, soil. It looked like a famine stricken village in the outskirts of a desert. It was simply too disappointing for Feng Jiao to keep staring at.

She was so done with the place already.

She wanted to go home.

Why in the world did she choose to come to this godforsaken place and leave her husband, and her air conditioner, and her husband, and her couch, and her husband…

This was simply a stupid decision on her part.

She proabably shouldn't go running around, doing dumb things like this. She needed to learn to sit herself down and stop making decisions that she would regret.

The boss looked at Feng Jiao for a second, fully expecting her to tell him that she wanted to go back. To be honest, he sort of wanted to go back too.

The boss had been to this camp once or twice before.

This wasn't the main camp that he usually interacted with. This one was focused on national security, and the agents were very rarely used to fight people from outside the country, so there wasn't much interaction here.

He knew that this camp was in the boonies, and that while it was run by rather powerful people, it didn't have any power over him. It was just one of the bigger military camps.

This particular camp didn't even have the top secret things that some of the other ones had, This one was more focused on training junior soldier recruits and distributing them to the other camps across the country.

It wasn't exactly a prestigious job, but it was a necessary one.

The people in the camp were well known for being the harshest amongst all of the recruiting camps. They would beat people into shape, and thus, soldiers that had come from this particular camp were well known for being good.

The camp had security everywhere, people looking at everyone entering and leaving.

For the most part, the security was there to keep the recruits in, and not to keep outsiders outside. There was no reason for a spy or someone who didn't belong there to enter the camp. But there were plenty of recruits who wanted to get out desperately.

The guard half heartedly asked the boss for his card to scan, "Card."

The boss quietly took off his ID card and put it under the scanner. It turned green, and the guard easily let the boss in without any fuss.

"Is she with you, or does she have a card?" the guard whispered without any enthusiasm.

The tiny woman in front of him would barely even be able to push a soldier over. She was not a ris at all, but official procedures needed to be followed. He couldn't just randomly let people in because they looked harmless.

"She's with me." said the boss as he pulled on Feng Jiao's hand, "Get in already, we need to finish the work."

He and Feng Jiao were both whining to each other about being in the camp. Neither of them wanted to be there anymore, so both of them were whining. It was understandable that they wouldn't want to be in the hell camp that they were in right now.

But then the boss caught sight of someone he hadn't seen in many many years.

An old man dressed in a full military uniform, wearing a general's hat was walking toward them. He had a bright smile on his face as he spotted the boss, and the two of them instantly made eye contact.

Feng Jiao watched as the man speed walked toward them.

"Oh my, what are you doing here?" a man in a military uniform walked out of the center of the military camp, extending his arms out to hug the boss.