Somebody's Mad (4)

Instructor Xi had had the nagging feeling in her chest that Feng Jiao was going to win the fight, but she really hadn't expected it to come true. She thought that Feng Jiao would give a strong punch or two, but then fall.

But here she had taken out one of the stronger students in the room with a single punch.

That was simply too demonic.

Feng Jiao was so small, but she had still managed to do a one punch takedown. It was somewhat ridiculous to watch, and nobody thought that it was actually going to happen.

The other men in the room had hoped that Feng Jiao wouldn't be two bloodied up after the fight, but the only blood on Feng Jiao wasn't even her own. It was something worthy of their respect.

They all began clapping slowly.

The sound of the clapping slowly increased from one person, to two, to four, to fifteen, to all of them. Only instructor Xi and Feng Jiao, and the fainted person on the floor weren't clapping.

Instructor Xi was fuming.

This was her ring, her home ground. If she couldn't win with her strongest student here, where exactly was she going to win? How was she ever going to win against Feng Jiao if she couldn't even take Feng Jiao down with ehr strongest student?

"Who else wants to go?" she called out, fully aware that there was no one else there who was going to want to compete with Feng jiao after that knock out.

The student on the floor had been her strongest. None of the other students were going to bother fighting someone that they knew that they couldn't win against. Feng Jiao was simply too strong for them to handle. They were better off not getting the injuries.

Feng Jiao looked tired, but not physically.

She looked like she was bored out of her mind, and that was even more terrifying than her being not tired at all. That one punch was strong, and hadn't used any of her energy. She was still working at peak performance.

No one wanted to fight a beast like that.

Had the chance of injury been slimmer, perhaps some of them would have gotten up to fight her for the experience, but their friend's bloodied nose was a good enough indication of the chances of injury.

If you thought it through, you simply wouldn't.

But instructor Xi was not thinking this through. Since no one was putting their hand up to fight Feng Jiao, she decided to take some rather drastic steps and just go for it herself.

"If you fight me and win, I'll let you leave right now, no need to fight a third person." instructor Xi was confident in her own abilities, maybe a little too confident.

She was grinning with a smug smile that simply couldn't make Feng Jiao more angry.

This lady was holding Feng Jiao here against her will, and was now making her fight around like a circus monkey? It just wasn't acceptable.

She was so tired of this that she wasn't even going to bother to protest. She just waited for instructor Xi to enter the rink, and then start the fight.

She yawned a few times and then stared at the rest of the soldiers as instructor Xi took her own sweet time, wrapping hand guards and whatnot else around her body. She looked like she was going for a fashion show, and that was starting to tick Feng Jiao off.

"Please hurry up-" she said politely.

Instructor Xi completely ignored Feng Jiao and continued wrapping the junk around different parts of her body. She didn't even seem to care that Feng Jiao was getting pissed off.

She definitely would care when Feng Jiao would take that anger out on her and punch her till she was swollen. Right now she could take all the time that she wanted, but she would most definitely regret it later, there was no doubt about it.

Feng Jiao herself knew, that she was a little too close to snapping for her own good.

She took in a few deep breaths to make sure that she didn't kill instructor Xi, but instructor Xi took it completely differently. She thought that Feng Jiao was calming herself down and fixing her nerves by taking deep breaths.

This gave her the confidence to finally enter the rink and meet Feng Jiao's eyes. She was confident that Feng Jiao was scared of her, and knew very well that she could take Feng Jiao out.

But she couldn't.

She was nowhere near as strong as Feng Jiao.

"Start!" she called out as she bounced toward Feng Jiao.

She took two steps forward, one step back, weaving like a professional boxer, all while maintaining eye contact with Feng Jiao. She was glaring her down hoping that she could intimidate her more.

Fighting was a war of nerves after all.

The battle was fought and won in the mind. If you believed that you had lost, the chances were that you had indeed lost. Instructor Xi used this technique to scare novices and won most of her fights using a combination of scare tactics and weaving.

However, that would not work on an experienced fighter, especially not one like Feng Jiao, who was far too experienced to even be fighting with rookies.

She had probably fought and killed more people than instructor Xi could count.

Instead of fall for her cheap tactics, Feng Jiao slid to the side, and with a similar punch as the first round, she took out instructor Xi. It was a quick punch, but not nearly as strong as the one in the first round.

This time she had controlled her strength.

Instructor Xi fell face forward and was probably unconscious.

Nobody could tell since she was lying flat on her face, but ut was easy to assume that she was probably unconscious.

"Um- since she's fainted, I'm just gonna leave." Feng Jiao saluted the rest of the speechless soldiers and sprinted away.