Chapter 3

The voice broke away their thoughts. They carefully brought him back to the cave.

"What should we do his injuries are not healing, why is his wolf not doing anything? " Crystal was panicked at this moment, she has never seen someone so injured before.

" I know what's going on. Stay back I will heal him. "

" You but how will you do that. I never heard that royal wolves have special powers or such. "

" There is something I have never told you. I am a hybrid, half witch. " Saying this Elina started using the healing spells. While Crystal watched all this with her mouth open.

After an hour almost all of the injuries on the boy were healed but he was still unconscious. Elina was so exhausted that she just wanted to sleep now.

" You... but... how...when...I " Crystal was so shocked that she could not even form a sentence. She has never felt so frustrated before.

" I will explain everything tomorrow. Let me sleep now. " Dropping this sentence Elina fell asleep.

Seeing her like this she couldn't say anything.

' Jamie did you knew about this, or are you as shocked as me. ' She whispered to her wolf, she just had to talk about this. The curiosity was killing her.

' Of course I didn't knew. But doesn't that show how powerful Her Highness is. Don't think about this and sleep. '

' True ' she thought. Hybrids were rare. It was said that two powers would collide each other and the body would collapse or they could go crazy because they were not able to control their powers. The hybrids babies would die soon after birth or at most few years later but if somehow they survive till their adulthood it would simply mean that they their powers are incomparable. Crystal was lost in her thoughts and did not realize when she fell asleep.

Next morning when they woke up the boy was not there. Surprise was itched on their faces.

" Any idea where he went " Crystal was worried that he may disclose their whereabouts.

" No maybe he did not want anything do with us. Let's get some food first. I am really hungry, I lost too much energy last night. "

" Yeah about that.... " They heard someone coming towards them which caused them to stiffen but next second they relax as smelled the boy from last night. So he is still here.

They both looked up finally take a look at his face. Last night was too dark and him covered in blood made them unable to properly look at him. This boy had soft features his golden eyes were shinning and he had chocolate brown hairs which were almost reaching his shoulders. He was surprised to see them up but soon restored his calm. He walked towards them carrying few rabbits.

"Hello my name is Lukas. Thank you for saving me. " He looked a bit nervous while speaking as if afraid that they would chase him away.

But Crystal looked like she didn't cared. She jumped up to introduce herself. She always loved making new friends.

" HI I am Crystal, or you can Crys or whatever You like, that is Elina or Eli. " She pointed to her friend while taking the things from his hands.

She starting baking while looking at the fidgeting boy curiously

" Are you ok? Who did that to you? Do you need any help? "

But the next moment she went quiet. They were already in this situation how can she help others. She looked up and saw Elina quietly looking at the boy while he looked lost in some thoughts as if did not know how to answer her questions. So she talked to Elina through her mind link ' I am sorry, Your Highness I should not have said that. '

' No Crystal you did the right thing. How can I be a worthy Queen if I don't even care about my subjects. ' Saying this she slowly spoke to him

" Lukas, relax we are not forcing you to say anything we were just worried that you may get hurt again. But if there is something troubling you, you can tell us I promise we will help you. After all that's what friends for. "

Lukas looked surprised " Friends, Really, you think of me as a friend. "

This time Crystal spoke up " What do you mean ? Of course we are friends. Why you don't want to?" she looked at him threateningly but she looked anything but that. Both Elina and Lukas started laughing at her and soon Crystal joined too.

" No don't get me wrong. It's just that I never had a friend before. " He smiled and felt like he hadn't laughed like this in years.

Both the girls were surprised at his words but did not asked him about this. He will tell when he feels like it, everyone has their secrets. There was no need to dig around it, they were hiding things too and can't openly talk about it. So fine.

"So are you two traveling around? "

" Oh no we going to my uncle' place. But at the same time we enjoying the scenery too. Where are you going to go ? " Elina asked the last question a bit cautiously she was afraid that she may hurt his feelings unintentionally.

" I ....don't know, to be exact I don't have a home to go back. "

" Umm but what about your or family. They must be looking for you. " Crystal asked slowly

" Oh that I am an orphan no body would care even if I went missing. " He looked like he didn't care but his smile looked desolate while his eyes hid away all the pain.

" I am sorry, I am really really sorry. I had no idea, I didn't mean to hurt you feelings. Please. " Crystal jumped up from her spot both of her hands waving as if she did not know where to put them while saying sorry repeatedly. At this moment the ever chatting Crystal was at loss for words.

" Relax you didn't knew and look the food is almost burnt. " Lukas tried to distract Crystal, he was really embarrassed no has ever apologized to him before.

Suddenly Elina spoke up " Why don't you come with us ? " This surprised both Lukas and Crystal.

" What I mean is, it is a long way to my uncle's place, there are many packs and no man's land in between maybe you would like some place and would want to stay there. You may even begin a new life there. What do you think? "

Lukas was quiet for a moments and then nodded. He thought maybe it is a good idea. He can not go back to his old pack anymore. Also he did not want to disappoint his friends. They were good to him. He should forget his past and move forward and never think about him.... no don't....

" Luke what are you thinking, do you not like the food you haven't touched it yet? " Crystal was looked at him while waving her hand in front of him.

" Uh no it's good. I was just happy. And, why are you calling me Luke my name is..."

" I know what your name is Luke is short for Lukas, see how nice it is. "

" Lukas is not a mouthful, why do you need to shorten it. Can you not destroy my good name."

" What do you mean destroy, I only shorten the name of those people I truly like. That is my fondness for you. "

" Can I refuse it? "

There was another loud reply from Crystal but Elina watched all this quietly from a distance. She smiled to herself. It is good that they are getting along but she was worried that Crystal would be really sad when Lukas would leave. But they can't keep him with them, it was still dangerous. Just because they have not found them yet that does not mean that they have given up. She knew her brother all too well, they will be here soon when is the question. She has feeling about this. She stood up looked at two kids who were still bickering and said " Alright get up enough of your fights. "

Soon three figures could be seen going out of the forest. But not long after they left few men came at their place.

" Looks like we missed them again. "

"Not for long we just have to follow this path we already know how they look after changing their looks. "

" Hey see this traces there were not two but three people who left from here. "

" Doesn't matter just catch all of them. " Their leader said in a mocking tone.

" Yes "The rest of them replied in unison. And all of them followed the same path the three of them had taken before.

After a week in another forest few voices could be heard " No I can't walk anymore. I am too tired. Let's rest here for a while. " Crystal threw up her hands and sat down . After getting along for so long they were closer than before.

" Come on Crys, we took a break no too long ago. It is almost getting dark we need to look for a place to stay. Get up. " Lukas looked like as if he was teaching a naughty three year old child.

" No way Luke I am not moving an inch. "

" But Crys... "

" Lukas , Crystal " Elina spoke very softly but her voice was deadly serious which made both of them look up at her. But she had her back on them while she was glaring at the direction they came from. " Run, run as fast as you can. Don't look behind and don't stop. " Her voice was calm but commanding.

" No " Crystal jumped beside Elina she understood what's going on and looked ready to fight. " No matter what you say I won't leave. Lukas you go this has nothing to do with you. "

" I can't, there is no way that I would leave my friends and run away like a coward. c

" You don't know what's going on. Don't get involved in this. You may die here. " Crystal was getting anxious and wanted to throw this idiot away.

" I would already be dead if not for you two. So I am not going anywhere. And I know how to fight don't worry about me. "

" But these people...."

"It's too late. " Elina spoke suddenly "They are here. "

Hearing this they saw there were people coming to stop few meters away from them. One of them smiled and looked at Elina.

" Oh look what we found, a runaway princess. "