Chapter 6

" You cried, didn't you? "

" I Did Not "

" Oh you did. I am so touched Crys. " Lukas joked.

" I am telling you for the last time. I did not cry. " Crystal would rather die than except that she cried for this idiot last night.

After the ritual three of them ran in the forest as wolves for hours. Now they lay beside a cliff waiting for the sunrise.

Elina quietly listened the bickering between the two of them. She was lost in her own thoughts, even though she performed the spell last night. She was completely exhausted so it is not enough, if she wants the throne she needs more power. If everything went normally her next seal would open when she turned twenty. But she does not have that much time. She has to break the seal forcefully and only her uncle can help with it. She has to take the the shortest route to their coven but even then it will take more than two months.

" Eli " She looked up to see at some point of time Lukas came and stood beside her.

" What happened ? " She hurriedly sat up and judged her surroundings for any threat not finding anything she slowly started standing up while asking " Why do you look so serious? Is there a problem? "

Lukas smiled and knelt down he already had a cut on his palm " I, Lukas Harrington swear in the name of Moon Goddess that I will be your most loyal follower, never to betray and follow all your orders for an eternity. Your Highness can you accept me? "

Before Elina can understand Lukas was done with his oath. She stilled for a moment and saw Crystal smiling. She sighed.

" Have you thought it through? You can live a life of your own without all this trouble. "

" I have already decided and Max agreed too. "

" Fine then. " She smiled. " I, Elina Roswell accept you Lukas Harrington as my faithful follower for an eternity. " They clapsed their hands together and white light enveloped them. When the light dispersed two were left standing smiling at each other.

" Now what next ? " Crystal asked

" We are going to Elore Coven if we ran there it will take more than two months but we do not have much options after all...They are still looking for us and soon you will also be on the list too. " She said with guilt

" Then let them come. I really want to beat few people to see how much I have changed, I really feel like I can beat ten of them without trouble. " Lukas bragged

" Really, that powerful what are you other than a wolf " Crystal joked

Lukas smirked " Demon "

" WHAT " Both the girls were shocked.

Demons were different from them. They lived in the hottest area. And were known for their notorious nature. Many of their kind did not like to interact with demons so they rarely ventured in their area. So they were really surprised right now.

" Alright let's go. We have rested enough. " Lukas said not minding their surprise. He didn't care as long as he can fulfill his promise other things doesn't matter.

Both of the girls didn't cared either as long as their friend is fine who cares what he is.

" But before that, let's hunt. I am really hungry. " Crystal said

" I second that. " Lukas raised his hands.

" Good enough, but let's look for some deer I am bored of rabbits. " Elina said while walking

" Yes Your Highness " Both Lukas and Crystal said in mock seriousness as they walked behind her.

Elina glared them for few seconds and then laughed.

Soon all that was left on the cliff was a beautiful scenery and a ghost of laughter.

Two months later

" This forest is really different, I don't even know half of the plants that grow here. " Crystal said

" Of course it is different most of the plants that grow here are uses by witches for potions. " Lukas replied

All of them were sitting around a campfire eating the freshly baked meat.

" So Eli how long from here. " Crystal asked

" Since we have already crossed the borders, and my brother's influence is weakened we can get a car. So I would say a week. "

" That's good, if we ran from here we can reach the next town in three to four hours. So let's do that first thing in the morning. "

" YES " Crystal shouted " I have not eaten a proper food for so long, I am bored with this baked meat. "

Listening both Elina and Lukas laughed but agreed with it.

Next day the three of them were heading to next town when they heard someone shouting and a growl.

' Should we check it ' Lukas asked through mind link

' First judge the situation ' Elina replied

They quietly trotted to the place and from behind the bush saw a girl and a boy facing against a mountain lion. Both of them had black hairs and violet eyes. The boy was pushing away the girl telling her to run away but the girl was reluctant to leave him behind. They looked like they were running out of energy and their protective barrier would soon collapse.

Seeing this they did not hesitate and jumped on the unsuspecting lion.

Both the girl and boy looked shocked and by the time they could recover the lion was already dead.

" Hello, Thanks for your help. " The girl came forward and hesitantly

They turned back and Crystal was the first to reply.

" It's fine. I am Crystal. These are my friends Elina and Lukas. " She said pointing to the other two.

" Hi!! " The girl looked excited " I am Jude and that's my brother Jonah "

Jonah looked at them and smiled " Hello Thanks for now. "

" Are you going to the town ? " Jude asked

" Yes do you want to come with us too. " Crystal asked

" I would love too but we still have to collect few herbs so go ahead. Maybe we could meet later. " Jude said regretfully

" Alright then we will leave first " Lukas said

" Bye then. " Jude and Jonah waved at them

" Bye "

After walking for a while Crystal asked " Eli why are you so quiet? "

" Nothing just thinking about something. "

Lukas and Crystal felt weird but before they could ask anything Elina said first.

" Forget it. Let's go. " Saying she turned into her wolf and ran forward

Fine then. Both left it at the back of their minds. Anyway they were still hungry and can worry about other things later.

When they arrived at Riverwood it was midday and many people people were on and about. They were even getting looks from people around as there were few wolves around.

Elina wasn't bothered to her it was nothing new. Back in the palace she has heard many insults this is nothing compared to that.

Lukas and Crystal felt a little self conscious on feeling many gazes on them but they hurriedly followed Elina.

It took them few hours to eat and get things packed in a car but it was already late by then.

" How about staying at motel for tonight? " Crystal asked

" Fine by me. " Lukas said

" Alright. I saw one few blocks before the place we ate. Let's go there. "

They have a lot to do tomorrow so just after a light snack they went off to sleep.

It was dark so dark that it was impossible to even see your own finger. It felt like she was running for hours but there were still something chasing her. She tried mind linking but could not contact anyone not even her wolf. Cold sweat was trickling down her forehead when suddenly something jumped on her.

And she woke up with a start. She looked like ran for hours even breathing was difficult. Elina looked around, she was still in the motel. She raised her hand a bracelet was shining on her hand it looked like it was made of many threads intertwined it was colorful but what was striking out was some black fur. She slowly rubbed the fur with the thumb of her other hand. ' Another nightmare ' she thought

' Are you ok? ' Lizzy asked

' I am fine. ' She stopped rubbing the bracelet and it disappeared as if it was never there.

' This will only get worse. '

' I know but I don't regret it. If I get another chance to do it all over again, I will still take the same decision. ' By now she had already calmed down and laid down again.

' I understand '

' Thanks Lizzy. '

Lizzy huffed ' If anything, I am proud of you. Now sleep. You have a long day tomorrow. '

Elina smiled ' Good night Liz "

' Good night '

Soon she drift off to sleep again. The night was still quiet and the other two did not knew about this small episode.