Chapter 9

A joyous laughter rang out in the forest beside the huge castle.

There was a pair of siblings and three wolves.

Emma threw a branch and then eagerly looked at Max and said " Go fetch it "

Max gave her a look as if looking at an idiot and if he could speak he would be saying ' I am a wolf not a dog. '

At his disgusted face both Lizzy and Jamie were guaffing while Ethan was laughing so hard that he had almost fallen down.

" Come on fetch it " Emma was still looking at him with big eyes trying to encourage him.

" Please just once ok. " She said raising one of her finger.

Max looked at her for few seconds then slowly laid down with a expression ' I would rather die than act like a dog. '

" Oh come on you are so lazy. " She said then she turned to look at Lizzy and Jamie but before she could say both of the wolves jumped and ran in the forest.

" Uhh Ethan why are they running away? " She looked at her brother confused

" Maybe you scared them off. I should say you are really powerful just a look is enough to scare two strong wolves. " Ethan said while laughing

Emma was no idiot. She just wanted to have fun with wolves as it was her first time seeing them but now seeing everyone was laughing at her she felt embarrassed but she can't do anything to these wolves so...

" ETHAN " She made a small fireball and threw at him.

Ethan's eye went wide, he dodged it and threw one back and two of them could be seen running around. One throwing fireballs and other dodging it.

Another round of laughter rang in the forest.

All this was seen by the couple who were standing on the second floor of the castle.

" They look happy. " Claire said

" Yes they do. " Augustus replied

Augustus looked at Elina trying to remember his sister from her.

" She has a seal on her. "

" I know. Truthfully speaking I don't want to undo it. I'd rather she stays here and does not get involved in those struggles. "

" You know that is not possible. Augustus don't be selfish. Everyone has their own life you can't change it. " Claire said softly she knew it will be difficult for him to accept Arora's death but never thought he would act like this.

" I wish I could but you are right the only thing I can do is to give her my full support. " He smiled slightly " Have you noticed she is more talented than Arora? "

" I did. Is it because she is a hybrid. " Claire asked

" Maybe let her find it out. All we can do is to help her with the things she asked. " He glanced at her " I don't want to have regrets "

" I see. Let's go and have lunch with them. You have not seen them since meeting yesterday. " Claire can see he is much better than the depressed state before.

" Of course. " Saying he looked at the arguing children again.

" I am so tired " Emma said with her hands on her waist. She looked at the three lazy wolves who were sunbathing and her stupid brother who was leaning against the tree. After fighting with him for so long she still couldn't catch him.

" Why dear sister accepting defeat already. " Ethan asked while laughing

" Just you wait " Emma glared at her brother " Can't you all help me? " She said looking at the wolves who directly ignored her.

" Just give up ok you can't wi..." Before he could complete his sentence a red wolf pounced on him and he fell down. Jamie looked behind at Emma and gave a low growl as if saying ' what are you waiting for ' and by the time Ethan came to his senses he was completely drenched in the water. The other two wolves also woke up because of the commotion. Jamie turned back into Crystal and went to gave Emma a high five.

" How was it? " Crystal asked laughing

" Perfect. I think we will make a good team. " Emma said while linking her arms with Crystal

" Alright you two. Wait for payback. " Ethan said while wiping his face.

With that another round of running began and this time Elina and Lukas were dragged into it too. By the time they were done all of them were beyond exhausted.

" It was great I never had so much fun before. " Emma said

" Fun is good but now can we go back and take a shower. " Elina gestured at everyone covered in grass and mud.

" Good enough lunch will be done soon too. " Ethan said.

Smiling they all slide back to their rooms. When they came to eat they found Augustus and Claire were setting the table.

Elina went forward to take the dish in Claire's hand " Let me help. "

" Sure " She smiled. She looked at others who were looking at her too " Carry other dishes and bring the cutlery "

There was a chorus of 'yes'

It was a peaceful lunch and everyone talked about all kinds of things but purposely ignoring the topic of the seal.

Finally after talking with everyone Augustus spoke " You want me to undo the seal right. "

" Yes uncle. " Elina said seriously

" Seal? What seal? " Emma asked curiously

" I am a hybrid so my mother had put a seal on me so I cannot use all my magical abilities. "

" WHAT " Emma and Ethan said at the same time. They never realized that she was actually a hybrid.

" Alright quiet now. " Augustus said he looked at Elina again " Have you thought it through? "

" Yes uncle. I have already decided "

" Fine then wait for three days. This seal can be undone only on the night when there is no moon "

" Thank you uncle " Elina said sincerely

" We are family. There is no need for that. "

That was the end of the topic. Now since they were staying plans for tomorrow were being made.

It was darkness all around. A white haired and blue eyed girl was fighting with all her might. But she was covered entirely in the blood. Surprisingly there was no one around her it looked like she was moving her hands and feet in air but she could hear voices.

' You are alone. '

' No one is coming for you. '

' Give up. '

' It is worthless. '

' Everyone is happy without you. '

She was trying her best to ignore them but it kept saying things on repeat when suddenly a claw came out of nowhere and scratched her face.

Elina almost jumped out of her bed. She looked around there was no one, the voices were gone too. She felt suffocated in the room so she slowly went out. She was sitting alone on a bench in the garden when she heard the sound of footsteps she turned to see Claire coming towards her. She held two cups in her hand.

" Here a cup of hot chocolate " Claire smiled

" Thanks Claire " She said while taking a sip of it. It relieved her a lot.

Claire sat beside her " It must be tiring " she said

" What are you talking about " Elina looked at her confused

Claire slowly lifted Elina's hand and the bracelet that was invisible came out shining. Elina gawked at her.

" How did you know? "

" I can sense it. Your uncle was too exhausted otherwise he would have noticed it too. " Claire looked at her worriedly " My dear child this is not good for your health. I can help you remove it. "

" No Claire please don't. Help me hide don't let uncle know. "

" But why? How can your mate allow you to do it?" Claire felt angry, she knew that this was a connection bracelet. It helps takes other's pain even from thousands of miles away. Mates can't be separated for long or they would start getting nightmares it is like a prison and feels painful even when there is no physical wound. Clearly she is taking both her and her mate's pain.

" He does not know. " Elina whispered

" What... you did not tell him. "

" If he knew he would never agree. But he is working beside Harvey, I can't take any risks. "

Both of them went quiet for a while. Claire looked at Elina then sighed ' She is so much like you Arora. ' she thought

" Fine I will help you hide. "

" Really "

" Yes, although I can't help you with nightmares but I have few things which can help your pain and also a potion that can relax you after the nightmare. I added some in hot chocolate too. "

Elina smiled " Thank you " She had no other words to convey what she was feeling

" Your mother and I were best friends. She would be proud of you if she was here. "

Elina said nothing but hugged Claire in silence. She was really glad she met this person.

After a while Claire did some spells on the bracelet and it vanished again.

" Alright now go back and get some rest. I will give you other things later. "

" Ok " She was really tired after drinking hot chocolate she felt sleepy again or maybe the potion was at work but she really wanted her bed again. Soon she went off to sleep again but this time without out a single nightmare.