To Not Have That Dream Again

(From Blue's Perspective) 

The seven days Dem was not here, all of those days when I slept, I heard a voice. That voice kept telling me the same thing it did before. Just like before, I could not recognize the voice. But I had a feeling that it was that dark mage and my biological father. 

He kept telling me that if I awakened my power fully, I would be able to leave Dem who had confined me within this palace. It was not how I thought of Dem. I did not want to leave. Then why was he doing that? It was like he was trying to change my decision by repeating the same thing over and over again. It would be a lie if I said it did not affect me at all. 

'Even if you don't believe something, if that thing is repeatedly said it to you, you gradually get confused. It's the same for me. I am getting confused even though I am trying to stand firm in what I believed.'