Inside of the shop had a huge spiky car tyre hung over the red counter top. Various motorcycle parts were displayed in front of the see through glass walls. The smell of oil and mechanic tools filled the air, whilst men walked about in red overalls shirtless.

The detective stood out from everyone else like a sore thumb. From the moment they walked inside, everyone's attention was casted upon him solely.

"Just relax, you look stiff." Bardrick whispered to Addie, taking the first step towards the counter.

"Oh wow, I look stiff?." Addie scoffed, joining his supposed partner. His ears picked up on the sound of something clattering, it sounded so loud as though, the accident happened in front of him.

[Can you smell it Addie?.] The inner voice in his head asked, startling him for a split second, before he quickly warmed up to it.

[It's all oil and grease in here... wait... except for the smell of...]