Bardrick found himself at the address of the factory that produces the air freshner they were hinging their hopes on. Going from store to store would be futile, and the detective would rather not attempt such grunt work.

Millie had interrogated the janitress at SFC, and she directed them to the manager. The eatery received a monthly supply from the factory itself, and to make things much easier, the air freshner is rare. Hence, they have a small record of retail shops and businesses that purchase it.

Bardrick's Plan?:

To get a list of said shops and investigate if they made any unnatural sales recently.

"Who are you?." The guard at the gate asked, his eyes assessing the detective. And the first thing he picked up on, was sadly his skin tone.

"Detective Bardrick, from the LCPD. I need to speak to the manager here. Now." He said in his infamous professional tone, commanding respect from the partial guard.