{This is enough, with this video I'll be able to get a huge promotion.} Said the journalist, shoving his phone into his shirt and quietly making his exit out of the restaurant.

He took a picture of the plate number of the car as well before totally disappearing into the night.

"Please ma'am, I won't make such mistakes anymore." Said the employee, handing over the money back to Karla.

Tysion stood beside his mate, still dazzled by her strong tenacity towards proving a point. Even when she had no one backing her up, the woman wouldn't back down.

{Maybe I made a judgement call too early.} He mused to himself, staring at the menu. He expected anger to flow through him and the desire to punish this woman. But none of that happened, in actuality, all he felt was stun and lots of it.

"The problem you see, is getting caught. There are far more creative ways to go about this." Karla lectured, turning the tempo in the room around.