Nice Girls and Bad Chicks

I groaned and sat up on my bed from the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I slammed my fist on the clock to shut it up. I stretched and Lustie floated in front of me and smiled.

"Morning Romeo. Got a long day of dates to go on! So get your butt up and get ready to go on some dates!" Lustie said excitedly.

"Ugh you speak so excitedly forgetting I have classes..." I pushed Lustie's face away.

"Come on we all know you don't have to go everyday! Besides you don't even need to go to class everyday, it's not even required by your professor." Lustie pulled my hand away and puffed her cheeks.

"I guess. I'll still go to the college to see if Lust-E picks someone up." I said and got out of bed.

"That's the spirit! Let's go find some babes!" Lustie floated up happily then hit her head on a blade of my fan then fell onto my bed. I covered my mouth and snickered. "Sh-Shut up!"

Day: Wednesday

Location: College Campus

Time: Daytime

I walked around and looked at Lust-E increasing my stats as I walked about. Lustie was disguised as a normal girl as she walked beside me, sipping on some coffee.

"You know human drinks aren't as bad as I thought they'd be." Lustie smiled.

"I don't know why you'd think they were bad in the first place." I said.

"I guess I'm more used to my kind of drinks at home." Lustie shrugged.

I shrugged and accidentally bumped into Mark then looked up. He looked at me and pushed me. I stumbled back then looked at him and rose an eyebrow. "My bad dude. No need to get all hyper defensive. I just didn't see you there."

"Whatever you fucking loser. You go on one date with Gloria and think you're top shit. Next time you cross paths with me I'll be sure to break your teeth to the back of your throat." Mark walked off. One of his goons knocked my cup juice out of my hand and it splashed all over my face.

Lustie looked at Mark then at me and saw a girl walk towards me and turned invisible before anyone saw her.

"H-Hey Shiro! Are you okay?" The girl asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, Whitney." I said and wiped my face with a towel I took from my bag.

[Whitney's data registered into Lust-E!]

Name: Whitney Dawn

Age: 19

Species: Human

Likes: Flirtation, Sensitivity

Dislikes: Lust, Luck

Favorite Food: Candies

Favorite Drink: Soda

I looked up from my Lust-E then closed my eyes. Whitney was a very nice girl...and I mean the raw definition of a nice girl. She's like...hyper jealous of Gloria, but she means no harm. Anytime I spent some time with Whitney she seems to be a very pleasant girl to be around and her friends like her.

"So are you going to class today?" Whitney asked.

"Nah, I'm just here walking around. Thought I'd return some books I checked out last week." I shrugged then placed my hands in my pockets. "What about you?"

"I just got out of class early. Professor wasn't feeling so well so she let us out early." Whitney smiled.

I looked at her and gave it some thought. Lust-E wouldn't register her for no reason. I looked at Lust-E and came to a conclusion, "You free today? Maybe we can go hang out somewhere." I looked back at her.

"Sure! I'd love to!" Whitney smiled.

I nodded then walked into the building and headed for the library. I placed the books on the counter and turned them in. The librarian smiled and took them. We bowed at each other then I walked out the library.

"Question...what's the radius of the tracking system of this thing..?" I placed Lust-E to my ear to insinuate I was talking on the phone.

"Hmmm...Well for new girls it tracks anyone in a three mile radius at 360 degrees and for girls you've already met it sees if they're available or unavailable, if they are available it tracks them if they are at least in the same town, at most the same region or state. Unavailable it doesn't track them at all." Lustie responded.

"Ahh okay." I lowered Lust-E from my ear and hurried towards Whitney. "Sorry for the wait. Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Whitney smiled and held my arm.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Fugigami's Market Area

Time: Daytime

"I usually come here to buy some groceries for my parents or like hang around or just wanna buy some stuff for myself. Buuut, now that you are here, maybe we could have some fun here?" Whitney smiled.

[Whitney's Affection: 49%. Succession Rate of Date: 40%]

"Her affection with you is already pretty high. She must have had some form of connection with you in the past." Lustie said then vanished.

"Let's start over there." I led Whitney towards the candy area. "I'll pay for whatever you want so don't be shy when choosing what you want."

"Really?" Whitney looked at me and smiled happily.

I nodded and Whitney skipped to the stands and looked at each candy. I watched her and she was like a child, it was cute watching her. She brushed her hair behind her ear as she kept the strap of her bag over her shoulder.

[Whitney's Affection rose to 58%!]

She picked out the candies she wanted and I pulled out money to pay for them. The woman waved goodbye to us and we waved back. Whitney smiled and stuck close to me as we walked around the market area.

"Let's get something to drink while we are here!" Whitney suggested.

"Sure." I nodded.

We stopped by the drink cart being ran by a gently spirited man. He saw we were on a date and let us have a free soda. I smiled and thanked him. The man wished us a very nice date.

[Whitney's Affection rose to 69%]

"What a sweet old man. I hope he continues to do well." Whitney smiled.

"I agree." I smiled as well.

Whitney put her candy in her bag so she could hold my hand. I held her hand back and she blushed a bit.

[Whitney's Affection rose to 78%]

We reached the end of the market and reached a bridge. We stood against the rail of the bridge and looked out into the open. I rested my arms against the rails and smiled.

"This was so much fun. I'd definitely do this again." Whitney smiled.

"Me too. I had a wonderful time on this date." I closed my eyes and let the gentle breeze hit against my face.

Whitney scooted closer to me and bumped her hip against mine. I let out a chuckle and she giggled. "Random, but do you remember my birthday?" She looked at me.

"Hmm..I'm gonna guess that it's on August 4th?" I looked at her.

"You guessed correctly!" Whitney laughed a bit.

[Whitney's Affection rose to 98%]

"Like I'd ever forget your birthday." I poked her cheek and she blushed.

She giggled then her phone began to ring. She took her phone out her bag then looked at me. "My dad needs me at home. We are going over to my grandma's today. I'll see you later." She got on her tippy toes and pecked my cheek. I blushed and watched her hurry off.

[Date Successfully Completed! Earned 1500 Credi!]

"Well well. Seems like she already has a bit of a crush on you." Lustie smiled.

I smiled and Lust-E began to beep. Lustie and I looked at the phone then saw the dot was nearby. I followed the dot and looked ahead, seeing a linear alley way. I walked down the alley and was ambushed by someone. She pinned me against the wall and held a gun to my head. I looked at her and swallowed hard.

"'re not the cops. You're just another pathetic soul wandering in places you don't need to be in." The girl said and released me then walked back to her motorcycle and sat on it, lighting up a cigarette.

"Is it bad that I kinda liked that?" I asked.

"A fucking masochist..? You're weird dude." The girl let out a chuckle. "What are you doing here?"

"Funny enough I came down this alley way on purpose." I responded and slid down on the wall.

"Pfft. No one walks down alleyways on purpose you idiot." The girl said and held out a cigarette for me.

"Nah I don't smoke." I pushed her hand away.

"Suit yourself. What is your name?" She asked.

"Name's Shiro Moji." I answered.

"Ahh. Name's Naomi. Naomi Haruna." Naomi looked at me.

[Naomi's data registered into Lust-E]

Name: Naomi Haruna

Age: 20

Species: Human

Likes: Lust, Luck

Dislikes: Romance, Flirtation

Favorite Food: None

Favorite Drink: Alcohol

"She's a bit hardy. A total bad bitch. She said something interesting when she ambushed you. She is a criminal? I don't know. I sense a powerful sexual desire from her and I mean it's desperate for some wickedly good dick. If you can please her, I'm sure tonight will be your first. I can already smell you losing your virginity." Lustie giggled. "Good luck."

I watched Lustie vanish then look at Naomi. She doesn't seem like the easy one to please, but if I wanted to complete the goal of being the best pleaser of women then I have to do this. I began to use some Credi to increase my Luck and Lust.

"Naomi." I looked up at her.

"What's up?" She smooshed her cigarette into her ashtray.

"Let's go on a date." I looked determined.

She rose an eyebrow and smiled then got off her bike then walked to me, placing her foot on the wall. This was both sexy and intimidating to me. She looked down at me. "You're a bit bold. I'll humor you and agree to your request. I'll make this interesting. If you can please me on this date, I'll let you fuck me tonight." She took her foot off the wall and stepped back.

[Naomi's Affection: 0%. Succession Rate of Date: Less than 3%]

I gulped and stood up. This date as going to be my hardest one yet.

"For dates like these, it only takes one date for the downside of it being almost impossible to complete." Lustie said. "You're gonna have to try really hard for this one."

"Yeah...I know.." I mumbled then looked at Naomi again.

"You ready?" Naomi asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.