Love Demon and A Mega Bitch

Lustie and my day always started the same as any day would. We would go get ourselves something to drink from the Divine Cafe. The only difference was we were on a date this time. I actually didn't know any of her hobbies or knew what she really liked in terms of places, but knowing plot she would explain it.

"Oh yeah, I actually wanna tell you something about Lust-E. It can also tell you about a girl's hobbies, favorite places to hangout, where their current location is if they are available, what their height is, favorite color and exactly what they like in terms of food and drinks...basically useful and useless information." Lustie looked at me as we walked down the sidewalk.

And there it is.

"So you can upgrade my stalker machine into an even greater stalker machine." I said half jokingly.

"Yep!" Lustie said proudly. "Hand me your phone."

I handed her my phone and she began to make upgrades to it. She updated a few settings and looked at the screen.

"Now we wait for a bit while it updates everything...this is going to take a while.." Lustie said.

We both looked forward and waited for the phone to update. We saw a few passing cars then watched a barking dog chase a squirrel. An elderly lady walked past us and waved. We waved back.

I looked at Lustie and at the phone. "What's the update percentage?"


"Three percent." She looked at the phone.

"Ahh." I looked ahead again.

I took a sip of my apple juice and cleared my throat. Lustie watched some of the college students walk past us.


"So what's your favorite color?" I asked.

"Seriously? You're seriously asking me that? Could you not tell from the red button up shirt tucked in the dark red pants, red hair, red nails, and the red and black horns?" Lustie looked at me.

"Your eyes are light blue." I said.

"My favorite color is red, bitch." Lustie turned away.


"Finally it's done! Okay Shiro, use Lust-E on me." She smiled and handed Lust-E back to me.

I nodded and held Lust-E towards Lustie.

[Lustie's data updated!]

Name: Lustie Pixielust

Age: 389 years old (21 Human Years)

Birthday: January 18

Species: Demon

Education: N/A

Nationality: Uh...Demonese?

Likes: Lust, Passion

Dislikes: Romance, Luck

Favorite Food: Bakery Treats

Favorite Drink: Strawberry Vodka

Favorite Hangout Spot: Shiro's House

Height: 5'2

Libido: Extremely High, but controllable

Favorite Color: Red (Fucking obviously)

Hobbies: Watching porn, masturbating, ranting on how much she hates Twilight, collecting panties

"You know...your hobbies don't surprise me." I looked at Lustie.

"Hey listen, I only like collecting panties because I love the way they smell you fucking dimwit!" Lustie crossed her arms and blushed. "I'm more into dick than pussy anyway, fucker!"

"Alright, alright. Are we going to continue our date or just stand around like some NPCs?" I put my phone in my pocket and took her hand.

"Finally you said something my guy. Let's run this date shit up!" Lustie smiled and held my hand as well.

We walked past Mark and his gang once more and this time he stopped me. Lustie and I looked at him. He frowned and looked at Lustie then at me.

"What the fuck is your real name? First the bad demon bitch who was with you three days ago, then Gloria, then Whitney, then that absolute broad in your this chick? Who are you? Your looks are fucking shit, you are definitely paying them to go on dates with you." Mark said.

I smirked and looked at Lustie. "This guy is obviously jealous."

"Definitely.." Lustie giggled.

"Listen my man, I'm on a date so talk to me after I get done." I walked past Mark then Lustie smacked his cup of juice into his face and laughed.

Mark looked pissed and the girls on the campus laughed at him. One of his lackeys snickered then Mark huffed and walked off. "Fucking prick." Mark said, pissed off.

Day: Thursday

Location: Luna Scenic Outlook

Time: Daytime

"Wow...This looks so pretty." Lustie said as she looked out into the open.

"It's one of my favorite spots to sit at when I have nothing else to do." I responded and placed my hand on the rails of the Outlook.

"You surely do know how to pick em don't ya. You didn't even need my help picking locations. You've been almost everywhere already so it's probably easy for you to know where each girl likes to be huh." Lustie looked at me.

[Lustie's Affection rose to 82%]

"Well this isn't a very lustful or passionate spot, but it is a really good spot to be on your first date. Come on let's sit down." I led her to the spot with a table and chairs. We sat down and looked out into the open.

"You know...I shouldn't have mixed business with romance, but for you and only you I'll make one exception." Lustie said then looked at me. She held my hand and blushed.

[Lustie's Affection rose to 92%]

"Oh really? Have you said the same to other guys you've helped or am I really a true main character?" I chuckled.

"You're the only one I've said this to, bitch! Don't ruin the moment!" Lustie blushed even more and looked away.

"Right right." I teased and laughed softly at Lustie's blushing.

She stood up and walked to me then held my cheeks then I looked at her. She stomped on my foot and I let out a small yelp. "It's not like I had to do this! You should consider yourself lucky that I actually like you my guy. Besides I'm closer to a girlfriend to you than any of these other girls."

"I...knew...your red hair...meant something...You're...a tsundere..." I said, getting one last tease out before her heel dug into my foot. She blushed more and smoke came from her ears.

"You bold mouthed bastard!" She said, embarrassed and began to slap my face left and right.

'Totally...worth it...' I thought to myself as I was getting slapped around by Lustie.

Day: Thursday

Location: Luna Scenic Outlook

Time: Afternoon

Lustie sat on my lap and looked out into the open. I had one arm resting on the table and the other arm resting on the chair I was sitting on, playing games on my phone.

"I was being serious when I said I'd make an exception for you. What I'm doing isn't proper work protocol, but it also isn't against any rules to date my clients or join their harems." Lustie said as she kept looking out in the open.

"Why am I the one you chose when you had many others to choose from?" I asked and looked at her.

"With my other clients in the past...I just was satisfied with seeing them have sex with others. That is my job, to help my clients improve their romantic and sex life. Watching you was different...It was interesting on how you operate on dates. You know how to take control. You really impressed me...for a virgin you're really experienced on how to treat girls. My other clients are brutes now, thinking they can get away with just whatever...I would hate to be stuck in their harems like my sisters are." Lustie said then looked at me and smiled sweetly. Her demon tail swayed in my face and I chuckled.

"I want to ask you this before I truly accept you in my you absolutely wish to be one of the girls I date and have sex with? I don't mind you still being my guide in the future." I said then felt her hold my hand.

She turned her body and lowered her body so her face could meet mine. She gently kissed my lips. It wasn't a peck or short kiss...It was a kiss that told you the other person loved you. She pulled back and opened her eyes. "Does that answer your question..?"

I looked at her and blushed. "I...I don't know.." I said in disbelief.

She smiled and brought her face to mine once again, kissing me once more. This time I kissed back. We shared a long and passionate kiss before pulling away, looking into each other's eyes.

[Achievement Unlocked: Passionate Moment with a Love Demon]

We both looked at Lust-E and laughed a bit.

"Yeah that answers my question, Lustie. I'll accept you into my harem." I smiled.

"Good, because I wouldn't had let you reject me. Also I am still your guide so I won't be available to date most days since I have to still do my job. Lust-E will tell you when I'm available to go on a date or not. Keep track on if I'm free or not." Lustie smiled. "I'm still going to be hanging around you like it or not."

"Right right. Glad shit doesn't change between us." I chuckled.

"Of course brotha! Just because I'm in your harem don't mean we gotta act all lovey-dovey! Imma still be casual with your ass." Lustie laughed a bit.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I responded.

[Date Successfully Completed! Earned 3000 Credi!]

Lust-E began to beep, tracking another girl in the vicinity. Lustie got off my lap and turned invisible for everyone else except me.

"Come on, let's go check it out!" Lustie said.

"I'm already comfortable tho." I sighed.

"I said let's go get some shit started dude!" Lustie pulled my ear.

"Ow! Ow! Alright alright!" I stood up and followed where Lust-E wanted me to go.

I looked around and heard annoyed grunting and looked at the bottom of the stairs. It was Aubrie and another girl...

"Ugh! What the fuck do you mean you don't want to stay? This place is so fucking nice!" Aubrie yelled.

"Listen Brie, I just don't want to stay here any longer. It's already getting late and I want to go home.." The other girl said, a bit drained.

"Ugh, none of you whores know how to have any fun! How about this, how about you go back home to get knocked up again? You fucking slut." Aubrie lashed out at the other girl.

"Shut the fuck up bitch. At least I don't reek of smoke you fucking pot head." The girl walked away.

"Whatever." Aubrie walked up the stairs and looked at me. "Could you like get the fuck out of my way."

"Now that we see her up close, she's a feisty one. This, my friend, is what we call a mega bitch. She has a powerful sexual desire but she's a hard to get one. Even though she's itching to get laid, it will take four dates for you to get at her. For girls like these you need to show her that you're in charge. Be the alpha, just don't punch her or anything like these Tiktokers be talking about. Remember be cool, but also keep her in her place." Lustie vanished.

"Actually, bitch, you were in my way. I was just leaving." I responded.

"Ha! So you're one of those guys huh? The little alpha males who think they are in control?" Aubrie took a step forward and I took a step back. "Do you actually think I could give a fuck about who you are?"

"Nah but I don't know you either. To me you're a just another nobody." I shrugged and placed my hands in my pockets.

"I- So you think you are the real deal huh..?" Aubrie smirked.

"Nope, I just think bitches like you need to learn your place." I said and walked past her then she grabbed my arm. I stopped and looked back at her.

"Mmm..I like your energy. How about we hang out, smoke a bit? Get wild. Maybe if you're lucky, we can do something more." Aubrie said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is Aubrie Acacia and you?" Aubrie responded.

"Name's Shiro. Shiro Moji." I responded.

[Aubrie's data registered into Lust-E]

Name: Aubrie Acacia

Age: 19

Birthday: February 14

Species: Human

Education: College

Occupation: Student

Nationality: French

Likes: Lust, Flirtation

Dislikes: Romance, Passion

Favorite Food: Pineapples, Junk Food

Favorite Drink: Strawberry Lemonade, Spiked Juices

Favorite Hangout Spot: Twilight Plaza

Height: 5'3

Libido: Extremely High, borderline uncontrollable

Favorite Color: Velvet Red

Hobbies: Hanging out at the club, Shopping, Smoking, Partying, Masturbating

"So are we going to have fun or what?" Aubrie smirked at me.

If Lust-E says she's one of the main cast then it seems like I have no choice...

"Yeah fuck it. Let's go have some fun." I agreed.