The Woman with a Perfect Build

Day: Sunday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

"You already know what the fuck it is! Time to talk to some broads again today!" Lustie smiled.

"Sleeping in just isn't an option anymore is it?" I asked.

"Fuck no! You got girls to date and fuck! I think we only have at least three more main cast after this girl. Gotta introduce everyone!" Lustie giggled.

I groaned and got myself out of bed. I went to get ready for the day and sighed.

Day: Sunday

Location: Divine Cafe

Time: Morning

[Searching for available girls....Search Complete!]

Gloria: Available - North Park Mall

Ashley: Available - Zero Arcade

Whitney: Unavailable

Naomi: Available - Fugigami's Market Area

Lustie: Do I even have to say anything..?

Aubrie: Available - Oceana's Beach

Akira: Unavailable

I shrugged and thought about which girl I wanted to talk to then Lust-E began beeping. Lustie and I looked at Lust-E and noticed the red dot wasn't as close as it usually is. I paid for our drinks and we got up, leaving the cafe.

Day: Sunday

Location: Nagagami's Gym & Sports Center

Time: Daytime

I parked the car in the parking lot of the gym and got out. Lustie followed and I locked the car then walked in the gym. I looked at Lust-E and followed the red dot. I looked up and saw Whitney and some other woman.

"Thank you for babysitting, Whitney. I would've called my sister to do it but she's out of town, so you were the only one I could depend on." The woman laughed softly.

"No no it's no issue Chelsey! I actually love Adriana she's such an angel." Whitney giggled.

"Right? Such an angel in this cruel world." Chelsey chuckled and handed Whitney $300. "If I ever need a babysitter again I know who I will call again."

"I'm always happy to help!" Whitney bowed. "See you later!"

They waved goodbye to each other and Chelsey began to work out again. Doing her last set of reps. I watched her then approached her. As I got closer, I heard rock music coming from her airpods. I stopped remembering the number one rule about the gym, never interrupt someone who's doing reps.

I decided to go on one of the treadmills myself and at least get some exercise done while I'm here. I looked at Lust-E and decided to increase some stats.

"Hello? Are you finished with the treadmill? I need it before I head out." Chelsey said approaching me.

"Ahh yeah I'm just about done with it, it's all yours." I said and stepped off the treadmill, looking at her. " look familiar."

"Huh? Have we met before?" Chelsey looked at me before getting on the treadmill.

"Not directly, but I do remember seeing you with Aubrie at the Luna Scenic Outlook. You two seemed to have some argument at that time." I responded.

Chelsey smiled and faced palmed her face. She sighed and shook her head. "That bitch is fucking loco...I don't know how anyone is able to hang out with her honestly. But aside from that, my name is Chelsey. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, name's Shiro." I smiled.

[Chelsey's data registered into Lust-E]

Name: Chelsey La Rosa

Age: 21

Birthday: April 17

Nationality: African Mexican

Species: Human

Education: College (Dropout after 1 year)

Occupation: Waitress at Destiny Paradise

Likes: Talent, Charisma

Dislikes: Romance, Lust

Favorite Food(s): Breakfast, Vegetables

Favorite Drink: Piña Colada

Height: 5'6

Libido: Normal

Favorite Color: Baby Blue

Favorite Hangout Spot(s): Nagagami's Gym & Sports Center, Destiny Paradise, Wave's Water Park, Izuna Carnival, Frostie Ice Rink

Hobbies: Working out, going to the carnival, swimming, Ice Skating

I looked at Lust-E then smiled a bit. Chelsey was a pretty well rounded girl, hits the gym, works at a restaurant, and knows how to have fun. I don't know what Aubrie was talking about.

"Hey Chelsey." I spoke.

"What's up?" Chelsey was walking on the treadmill, watching me get on the free one next to her.

"Before you go, how about we play some basketball?" I asked.

[Chelsey's Affection rose to 19%]

"Hmm...sure just a short game. I have to get home and get back to my daughter." Chelsey smiled.

"Right." I nodded then got off the treadmill.

Day: Sunday

Location: Basketball Court (Sports Center)

Day: Afternoon

"Listen my guy, My sister played for the Destiny Cheetahs so she taught me moves. Don't feel discouraged when I beat you!" Chelsey laughed.

"Yeah yeah, check up." I chuckled.

[Notice: Chelsey has a hidden mechanic called Competitive. The higher the Competitive Meter, the better her physical abilities become. Beat her in a game if she has high competitiveness, you will gain a triple affection boost!]

[If Chelsey's competitiveness reaches 100% she will practically be unbeatable! Defeat her at 100% competitiveness and you will receive a Quadra Boost in Affection!]

Chelsey bounced the ball to me and I began to dribble the ball left and right. Chelsey got into position and watched the ball. By her stance I could tell she's experienced. I began to drive the ball to the hoop, dribbling left and right. I jumped up to shoot the ball and Chelsey smacked the ball out of bounds.

"Get that shit outta here dude!" Chelsey landed and gave a genuine laugh. "Your ball."

I got the ball from the ground and began to dribble. I smiled and dribbled between my legs then drove the ball to the hoop again. She went to steal the ball then I spun around her and hit a fadeaway shot.

[Chelsey's Competitiveness rose to 34%]

"Oh so you do got moves huh. Maybe I should actually start trying." Chelsey giggled and looked at me with fire in her eyes.

"Come on step it up." I taunted and chuckled.

[Your Competitiveness rose to 25%]

[Chelsey's Competitiveness rose to 57%]

I began dribbling left and right quickly then made my way to the hoop and Chelsey stole the ball swiftly. I looked surprised and looked back, seeing Chelsey with the ball.

"Vamos, intensifícalo." Chelsey smirked and dribbled the ball.

I smirked and got into my defensive position. Chelsey bent down and dribbled the ball quickly left and right. She drove the ball to the paint quickly, dribbling left and right. I tried to steal the ball but she spun around me then jumped up and dunked the ball.

"BOOM!" Chelsey said and landed on her feet.

"If she's this good at a little over half competitiveness...imagine how good she is at 100%." Lustie said.

"Where are you at man?" Chelsey dribbled the ball outside of the three point line.

[Chelsey's Competitiveness rose to 75%]

'She's already at 75%...What is this?' I thought to myself.

[Notice: Chelsey has the ability to boost her adrenaline and hype herself up, making her more competitive!]

'How can I beat this? She's fast and talented when it comes down to sports and exercise. I'm gonna have to really step up my game.' I thought to myself and looked at Chelsey with fire in my eyes.

[Chelsey's Affection rose to 37%]

"I love the fire in your eyes, that just makes this game of basketball much more intense!" Chelsey said and smiled.

I went to steal the ball. She bounced the ball and spun around me, shooting a three pointer.


The accuracy of her shot was insane for the ball to fall into the hoop so smoothly. I looked back at the ball then looked at Chelsey again. She placed a hand on her hip and rose an eyebrow smirking.

"Surprised by my ability? The gym and the basketball court is literally my second home. I'm always refining my art in basketball and working out daily." Chelsey said proudly. "Game point because I gotta get going soon."

I nodded and got the ball and checked the ball to her. She dribbled the ball then drove to the point, but I stepped in front of her. She smirked at me. She dribbled behind her then dribbled backwards with the ball going between her legs. She went for a fadeaway. I ran and jumped to try to block the ball. Chelsey landed on her feet and ran past me as the ball hit the backboard then she grabbed the ball and dunked it.

"Aaaaaand that's game!" Chelsey smiled and landed on her feet.

[Game Loss! Chelsey's Affection rose to 42%]

"Good game dude." Chelsey pat my back then smiled. "I'll catch you later!"

"Yeah." I smiled then watched her leave.

" got fucking bodied." Lustie said as she floated next to me. "Hey maybe we can catch her later tonight! I'm actually curious on what she does when she's, you know, not working out."

"Hm." I nodded.

Day: Sunday

Location: My House

Time: Evening

[Checking Chelsey's Availability....]

Chelsey: Available - Izuna Carnival

"So she's free! Let's go see her!" Lustie giggled.

I nodded and stood up from my couch and went to get ready to meet Chelsey.

Day: Sunday

Location: Izuna Carnival

Time: Evening

I walked to the Carnival and looked around. There were families and friends hanging out with one another. I saw a few couples together playing games for prizes. I walked around a bit more and saw Chelsey eating a funnel cake, standing alone watching the other couples.

"Chelsey?" I spoke and she looked at me.

"Oh hey! Weird...I was just thinking about you." Chelsey smiled and I stood beside her.

She held her funnel cake towards me then I took a piece and ate it. She giggled and looked around.

"How's your daughter? You have a babysitter watching your daughter?" I looked at her.

"She's doing great! Yeah I have one looking after her. I need some time to unwind! I haven't been able to get out since I had little Adriana." Chelsey said.

"I see. How about we play some games while we are here. Maybe I can win you a little souvenir." I smiled.

[Chelsey's Affection rose to 39%]

"Yeah! Let's go for it!" Chelsey said happily.

We walked off and began to go to the different games they had. Chelsey pointed at the ring toss and we went there. I paid $5 for 3 rings.

"Grand Prize is a mega awesome Pikachu Plush! You gotta get it Shiro!" Chelsey said excitedly.

"Right right." I chuckled and grabbed the rings.

I tossed the rings and landed all three of them on the bottle, beating the ring toss. Chelsey hugged me happily, hopping up and down. I chuckled then got the Pikachu Plush for her.

[Chelsey's Affection rose to 57%]

We began to walk around once more then stopped at the water gun game. I held her plush for her while she played the game. She won and got another plush as a reward but the plush was for me. I chuckled and happily accepted the plush from her.


We went back to the parking lot and she sat on the hood of her car and giggled. I looked at her and we talked about our lives for a bit.

" you like kids?" Chelsey asked.

"I enjoy them. I think they can really be a bundle of joy." I smiled.

[Chelsey's Affection rose to 75%]

"Right? I love my daughter so much. She's just a blessing to me!" Chelsey giggled then looked at her watch. "Aww man...I gotta go. We definitely gotta hang out again! Like super soon!"

"Yeah definitely!" I smiled.

"Thank you for an awesome night!" Chelsey stood up and got in her car then waved at me. I waved back then she drove off.

"Niiiice. Picking up Milfs as well huh?" Lustie rose an eyebrow and chuckled.

"She's a really nice woman, I think I would love to hang out with her again sometime." I smiled.

"Go for it dude! You gotta take that chance!" Lustie smiled then Lust-E began to beep.

"Huh? Extremely nearby?" I looked around and saw a bar nearby. Lustie and I looked at each other then went to go check it out.