Two Girls, One Date (18+)

Day: Thursday

Location: Matsugaya College Campus

Time: Morning

I was sitting at a table in the courtyard, scrolling through my phone and Mark sat at the same table. I looked at him and we gave each other a fist bump and he chuckled.

"Alright bro, check it. I got a date with Caroline. Got any tips or tricks for me? I mean you're known as the dating guru around here. You've dated eleven girls, so you have to know something." Mark said.

"I mean I don't know what I can say other than be yourself. If I'm honest, I haven't done anything worth mentioning." I responded.

"Come on, even Miss Okabe talks about how she went on a date with you. You're like the talk of the school man. Honestly I kinda expected Whitney to be mad when she heard news that you banged her mom. She seemed pretty cool with it." Mark said. "Almost...impressed. It ain't easy getting into bed with a porn star."

"Trust me...I don't even know how I did it. If I was to give you advice, just find out things that she likes and stuff like that. Use her likes to your advantage." I shrugged.

"Seems harder than it sounds huh." Mark chuckled. "Oh yeah I wanna ask you about why you cover your left eye. You look like some 2008 edgy anime character."

"I would wear an eye patch but I don't have one. My eye is completely golden." I said.

"Golden? What do you mean?" Mark asked.

"If I told you, the woman following me would have to kill you." I looked back at Felola.

Mark pointed at Felola who was in her human disguise and I nodded. He blinked and looked at me. "Are you..."

"Nah, honestly I don't even know why she's following me. Said something like I wanna study you today or some shit like that." I responded.

Mark nodded. I mean he had also seen it all. Neither one of us was surprised that I had a demon following me. He stood up and gave me a fist bump. "I'll catch you later bro."

"For sure." I responded.

"You humans are strange. Befriending your former harasser? Back at my home, if we were harassed we'd kill them." Felola said.

"We aren't in the Underworld, Fe." I sighed.

"Fe?" She looked at me.

I closed my eyes and sighed, scratching the back of my head. "It's a nickname. Felola. Fe. Lola. Felo. Fela. Fel. I got a lot of them for you."

She blushed a bit and cleared her throat. She noticed Whitney walking to me and I looked at Whitney. Whitney sat beside me and smiled.

"Good morning! Soooo...I kinda heard the rumors and heard Miss Okabe ramble about it too. You are like a king to the boys here. I'm sure no one would have the same charm as you, but hey I'm cool with it! Just as long as you aren't doing anything bad." Whitney said.

"Ahem." A voice said to me.

I looked to my right and saw Gloria looking at me, blushing. I chuckled and Whitney looked at Gloria and gave a soft grunt.

[Notice: New Mechanic, Jealousy. Whitney has Jealousy and the higher her jealousy is the more Affection you will lose.]

[Note that Jealousy only activates when Gloria is around.]

"Now this will be interesting, mortal. How will you handle two girls?" Felola asked and vanished.

I stood up and smiled. Whitney and Gloria looked at me then I looked at them both. "Where do you two wanna go, but it has to be a place you both agree on."

They looked at each other and thought for a bit. I chuckled and crossed my arms waiting for them to come up with an answer.

"Oceana's Beach!" They both said at the same time.

"Alright, it's settled. We're going to the beach." I smiled.

They both cheered happily. Mark looked at me and chuckled then walked inside the building. They both went to their houses to get ready and I did the same.

"The beach huh. Perfect place for a date like this one, especially when today is the last day to enjoy the heat." Felola smiled.

"What, are you and Lustie gonna follow me?" I asked.

"Yep! We wanna go to the beach!" Lustie smiled and floated to me. "I wanna get my tan on!"

"I wanna know why humans love the beach so much." Felola said and snapped her fingers, appearing in a one piece bikini.

Lustie tossed me my bag and I smiled then pat her head. She gave a little purr, blushing.

"Alright lovebirds, wrap it up! You, mortal, need to get to the beach." Felola said and snapped her fingers, teleporting me to the beach.

I groaned and panted as I was transported to the beach. I looked around and heard Whitney calling to me and waving her hand. I smiled and caught my breath then walked to her. She was in a blue two piece bikini. She had her hair in two pigtails. Gloria walked to us and she had on a two piece black bikini. Her hair was in a ponytail and she pulled on the bottom of her bikini and let it go, making a snap sound as it hit her butt.

"Finally made it, my driver has a bad sense of direction." Gloria giggled.

The girls set up their chairs as I went to change into my swim clothes. I ran back to them and they were putting on sunscreen. I looked around and noticed Erik and John then groaned.

'Of course...' I thought to myself.

They were trying to get people to play volleyball and no one wanted to play with them. I mean they were practically forcing people. Erik looked around and spotted me.

"Yo losers!" Erik called out to me. "Come play volleyball with us!"

Whitney looked at me shyly. Gloria looked at me as well. I sighed and looked at Erik and walked to him and his friends. Whitney and Gloria followed me.

"Heh. We were just looking to have fun. How about a friendly game! Rules are simple, just smack the ball to the other teams side as hard as you physically can." Erik smirked.

"First to 20 points win." Jack smiled.

I smirked and my left eye faintly glowed. "Alright I accept it."

"The way the points work is, one point for a weak hit at the ground and five points for an insanely strong hit." Jack said.

One of their friends was the referee and we got in our positions. Erik served the ball and hit it over the net. Whitney gulped and tossed the ball into the air. Gloria jumped up and spiked the ball to the ground.

"Two points!" The referee said.

"Good job you two." I chuckled and pat both of their heads.

[Whitney's Affection rose to 50%]

[Gloria's Affection rose to 50%]

Erik rolled the ball to our side and I picked up the ball. Erik and Jack smirked at me. Whitney and Gloria looked at me. Whitney as seen a bit of my abilities, but Gloria hasn't. She doesn't know the power of my left eye.

"This loser couldn't possibly earn anything other than a one." Jack's girlfriend said and smirked.

I tossed the ball in the air and I ran forward then jumped. Gloria looked at me and blushed. I held my breath and hit the ball. The ball rippled in my hand then flew down to the ground past Erik and his friends, causing a huge gust of wind and sand to blow into the sky. Gloria, Whitney, Erik, and his friends looked surprised. I landed on the ground and covered my left eye with my hair.

"Maybe the human underestimated his strength." Felola smiled and watched.

"Very much so, or maybe it was on purpose. Who knows." Lustie laughed softly.

"What the fuck was that..?" Erik asked.

"Where's the ball..?" Jack looked back, seeing the ball caved into the ground, deflated.

"This guy isn't human..." Erik looked at me.

Gloria looked back at me and blushed even more. Whitney looked at the ball and looked at me. I looked at my hand and balled it into a fist.

'Maybe I should've held back a little..' I thought to myself.

I looked up and Erik looked at me afraid then walked off quickly. Jack and his friends followed. Gloria and Whitney walked to me.

"Your strength is incredible." Gloria said and grabbed my arm.

[Whitney's Jealousy rose to 10%]

"I didn't think you were that strong...I really like this new you a lot.." Gloria looked at me and bit her bottom lip.

[Whitney's Jealousy rose to 20%]

I blushed at Gloria's remark then looked at Whitney. I held her hand and took them both by the water. "Hey, let's go for a swim!"

"Yeah!" Gloria smiled.

"O-Okay, but I can't swim that well.." Whitney blushed.

"Don't worry I'll always be in arm's length." I smiled.

We walked into the water and Gloria shivered and giggled. Whitney smiled and her body shook a little. I went deeper in the water and Gloria followed. Whitney timidly swam to me and held my arms. She looked shy as she held my arms.

"I don't wanna look dumb in the water..." Whitney smiled at me.

I chuckled and held her. I looked at her, smiling. "You won't look dumb I promise."

Whitney nodded and I slowly swam backwards holding her hands. She looked nervous as I swam around with her hands in mine. I made sure to stay close to land just in case Whitney was too nervous to continue.

'Despite his unearthly condition...his touch is so gentle..' Whitney thought to herself.

Gloria swam to us and splashed us with water. Whitney squeaked and looked at Gloria. I chuckled and splashed her back. Gloria laughed and covered her face. I splashed her more and sje squealed in excitement. Whitney smiled and splashed me back.

"Take this!" Gloria splashed me more.

I laughed and kept splashing them back. We all laughed and splashed each other for a bit.


We dried off and sat on the sand. Whitney was building a sand castle and I watched her. Gloria laid on her chair and was on her phone. I scooted closer to Whitney and wanted to help her. I sat behind her and she blushed.

I began to scoop up sand with her and she looked back then leaned back a bit on me. Her breathing became soft and slow. I looked at her and blushed a bit.

[Whitney's Sexual Desire rose to 27%]

"Shiro..." Whitney spoke softly.

Gloria lowered her phone and looked at us. I looked at Whitney and she closed her eyes and closed her legs.

'What's this feeling in my body..?' Whitney made a tiny noise.

"The human...he's unintentionally affecting her. How?" Felola asked.

"That's the power of a lustful man. His energy alone can turn on a girl in whole he has a close relationship with. Plus Whitney already had a crush on him." Lustie smiled.

"Are you sure the human isn't becoming a Incubus?" Felola asked.

"I mean...He does have traits of one, but also he could be a Sex Angel. Or a sex fairy. He can choose to be anything. One thing is for certain, if his energy can affect me, just imagine what it does to a human." Lustie giggled.

Whitney panted a bit and blushed madly, closing her legs more. Gloria saw how turned on Whitney was by me. Gloria smirked and came towards us then gripped Whitney's breasts. She squeaked and blushed more.

"G-Gloria..!" Whitney said.

Gloria giggled and bit her bottom lip. She kissed her neck and Whitney made a soft noise, tilting her head. She closed one eye and covered her mouth. Gloria pulled back and chuckled. "Come on, Shiro. You're gonna leave her waiting..?~"

I looked at Whitney and she looked at me.

[Whitney's Sexual Desire rose to 76%]

[Gloria's Sexual Desire rose to 80%]

Both girls wanted sexual pleasure, but it was too risky to do it on the beach or around the area. I stood up and took their hands. I looked at Felola and she smirked, closing her eyes then snapped her fingers. She teleported us to my room then all three of us groaned and held our head.

"I'll never get used to that.." I said and walked to my bed.

"Get used to it..?" Gloria looked at me and smiled.

"Long story.." I said then looked at her and Whitney.

Whitney walked to me and pushed me on my bed. I watched her and she looked at me lustfully. I sat and looked at her. Gloria giggled and walked to me then got on her knees.

"Don't leave me out of the fun..~" Gloria said then pulled my swimming trunks down with my boxers.

Whitney and Gloria looked at my cock then Gloria licked her lips. She giggled and held my cock in her hands, slowly jerking me off. Whitney watched and gulped. Gloria looked up at me as she rubbed my cock up and down.

"Last time...I wasn't ready. This time...I am ready." She whispered and kissed the tip of my cock.

She whispered sweet nothings to me and licked the tip of my cock. Whitney whined and pushed Gloria put the way. Gloria grunted and looked at her. I watched her and she did exactly as Gloria did minus the sweet nothings.

"If you were enough to please my mom, I wanna feel the same way she did. I want to make you feel good.." She said before placing my cock in her mouth.

She moved her head up and down, blushing a lot. I watched her and she closed her eyes as she sucked my cock slowly. She made soft moans then pulled her head up then Gloria pushed her aside.

"My turn~" Gloria whined before sucking my cock.

I gripped the covers and made little sounds of pleasure as the two girls fought for dominance over my cock. I moved my hand to Gloria's head and made her move her head fast. She slurped and coughed then I raised her head by her hair.

"M-Mmph!~ So rough~" Gloria moaned.

I looked at Whitney and she hurried to me. She immediately put my cock in her mouth and began to suck quickly. She closed her eyes tightly and moaned while my cock was in her mouth. I gripped her hair and slightly moved my hips. She looked up at me and lust completely took over.

I pulled her head up and she gasped then panted. I pat the bed and both girls got on the bed. I stood up and turned to look at them. "Strip~"

"Yes sir~" Gloria responded in a soft voice.

"Okay~" Whitney nodded.

Both girls began to take off their bikinis and dropped them on the floor. I walked to Gloria and held her cheeks in my right hand. She looked directly in my eyes. I made her turn around and bent her over. I gripped her ass and pressed my cock against her pussy. I grabbed one of her arms and put it behind her back then slid my cock into her tight opening.

"Hnnng!~" Gloria grunted and her body trembled. "Fuck~"

I began to fuck Gloria and she immediately began to whimper. Her insides began to really tighten around my cock, causing me to fuck her harder.

"Haah!~ Mmm!~ Mmm!~" Gloria moaned and covered her mouth.

I grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back as I fucked her. She moaned louder as a result. She began to cry out my name and her body began to shake. She wanted to move, but I restrained her body from moving and she loved it.

"Oh god!~ I'm already so close!~" Gloria cried.

Her moans were shaky and her voice was higher in pitch. I moved my hips faster and she panted quickly. She groaned loudly before she came all over my cock. I panted a bit then pushed her off my cock. Her body shook and she kept moaning softly.

I walked to Whitney placed my hands on the bed then placed my forehead on hers. She began to purr and laid down on her back. I sat up and pulled her closer to my cock then pressed the tip against the opening of her soaking wet pussy. She mewled as I slid my cock inside her slowly. She gripped the bed covers and Gloria crawled over to Gloria slowly then gripped her breasts.

"G-Gloria~ Mmmph!~" Whitney whined.

"Make her feel special, Shiro~" Gloria smirked at me.

I held Whitney's legs and began to move my hips. Whitney's whining became louder and her hips began to move with the thrust of my hips. She panted and looked into my eyes.

"Shiro...Ugh!~ Ahh~ Yahhh~" Whitney moaned, barely having the ability to form a sentence.

"Her body is already trembling~" Gloria sigh softly and began to finger herself.

Whitney tossed her head to the left, closing her eyes from the sexual pleasure. I gripped her breast and bent down to kiss her neck as I moved my hips faster. She began to choke on her moans as she wailed.

"I'm cumming!~ I- Haah!~ Oh God I can't hold it!~" Whitney cried and gripped the bed sheets tightly.

Her insides squeezed my cock very tightly. Her juices ran down my cock and it was driving me insane. I began to fuck her harder and she squealed as she came. She whined loudly and panted, looking in my eyes. She cried and covered her face with her arms.

Her hips did not slow down one bit. Instead, her hips kept making me go in deeper as if she wanted more. Tears of pleasure rolled down her cheeks and Gloria held Whitney's arms over her head.

"Tell Shiro what you want~" Gloria teased and her face was extremely lewd.

"I want to make you cum!~ Keep going please~ I need it, I want it so much!~" Whitney cried and begged.

Her cries and begging made me fuck her rougher. Her voice was extremely shaky and she shook her head left and right. Her insides kept getting tighter and her pussy began to tremble.

"Fuck~ I hadn't had a girl react like you~" I whispered in her ear.

"Mmm!~ My body, I can't stop~ I'm cumming over and over again~" Whitney cried.

"Fuck, this is so hot~" Gloria squeaked as she fingered herself once again.

"So ruthless~ You keep going after I've cum~" Whitney moaned and arched her back a lot.

I wrapped my arms around her hips and began to fuck her hard and fast. She screamed in pleasure and wanted to move her hands to hold onto me, but Gloria had her arms pinned above her hand with her free hand.

"Ahh!~ Yahhhh!~ Yes!~" Whitney groaned and whined loudly.

"Ugh your pussy is driving me wild~" I groaned and kept going.

"I'm so- Haaah!~ I'm glad you love it!~" Whitney moaned and her hips moved roughly.

I felt myself getting close and grunted loudly. All of our moans filled the air.

"Please give it to me~ I want it all~" Whitney whined loudly.

"Mmm!~ No fair I want some too!~" Gloria moaned.

I took my cock out of her and they both hurried to their knees in front of me. I moaned and stroked my cock quickly. They opened their mouths, whining desperately. I groaned as I came on both of their faces. I exhaled and my legs trembled.

We all panted and Gloria swallowed the cum that landed in her mouth. She looked at me and bit her lip.

"" Whitney panted and leaned against the bed.

"You really enjoyed yourself~" Gloria giggled and held Whitney's shoulders.

"My body kept asking for more..~ I never felt so good in my life..~ Now I know why my mom misses him so much..~" Whitney panted and slowly got up. "My body is so weak..~"

"Come on, let's rest~" I smiled.

"You don't seem tired, how?~" Gloria looked at me.

"I've gone nine rounds in a row with one girl..~ I've had so much sex in one night my body is no longer a one hitter quitter.~" I smiled.

"I wish I could go another round, but I'm so drained out of my mind..." Gloria smiled and crawled into the bed.

Whitney struggled to get into the bed so I helped her. She and Gloria laid next to each other. They looked at me, wanting me to get in between them. I shrugged and chuckled then got into bed, laying in the middle.

"Rest well you two." I smiled.

"We will.." They both said, immediately passing out.

[Boyhood Completion: 63%]

[7 out of 11 Girls Completed!]

[Four More Remaining!]

"I was nearly turned on listening to them.." Felola said.

"I was turned on." Lustie said and had a face of jealousy.

"Of course you were..only four girls remaining. He better hope he's ready for what's to come after." Felola said and walked downstairs.

"He will be! Just you wait!" Lustie floated behind her.