The Final Day

Day: Monday

Location: Brickwood Park

Time: Morning

I stood under a tree and watched the snow fall to the ground and held my hand out, catching the snow with my fingertips. I gave a slight smile then placed my hands in my pockets. "It's gotten worse...I have to end this part now before the Aubrie event happen again and I'll no longer have control.."

"Shiro?" A female's voice called out to me.

I turned my head to look at the one who called my name. I noticed it was Faith walking to me and she saw the eye patch on my face. She ran to me and looked at my eye patch.

"What happened to you? Did someone hit you?" Faith asked.

"Only the cold punch of reality." I chuckled and looked at the sky again.

Faith noticed the difference in tone from the first time we met and now. She touched my arm and looked worried. "Are you okay? You seem different.."

"Well I'm not gonna lie...I am different. I don't feel like my old self anymore." I smiled and looked at her. "I was thinking about leaving Destiny Islands...I know I'll be leaving such good memories behind, but I feel like it's becoming too dangerous for me to stay here."

"What do you mean..? What do you mean you're leaving? Shiro what are you talking about?" Faith grabbed my jacket and looked at me even more worried.

I looked at her and rubbed her hair. Faith looked at me with quivering lips. I held her hands and smiled softly at her. "I want to start a new life...Start brand new. I want to experience a lot...things that I can't experience here.."

"Shiro..." Faith hugged me and buried her face into my chest. "Will you ever return..?"

"I don't know. I don't know..." I said softly and rubbed her hair then heard her sniffling. "Faith.."

"Why..? I want you to stay...with me at least.." Faith looked at me.

I looked at her and saw the sadness in her eyes. I wiped the tears from her eyes. "How about this..? I'll spend the entire day with you..."

"Really?" Faith looked at me with hopeful eyes.

I nodded and smiled at her then she hugged me again. She let me go and grabbed my hand then dragged me to Twilight Plaza. I followed her and chuckled.

Day: Monday

Location: North Park Mall

Time: Afternoon

We entered the mall and held hands. She dragged me along to various stores dealing with games and anime. We walked into one store called Weebverse. She let go of my hand and looked around. I walked around and looked at the different posters and figurines.

"Wow the last one! Shiro!" Faith hurried to me and I looked at her.

"Hm? What is it?" I asked.

"The Princess That Can't Grow Poster! It's the last figurine! I didn't think they'd have it and it's limited edition!" Faith said excitedly.

I chuckled and we walked to the counter. I bought the figurine for her and we walked out the store holding hands again. She began to ramble about the anime and I listened happily. She was really into the anime and I was happy she could ramble about something she liked.

"I heard one of the more popular stories about a Dark Queen is getting up there. I don't know the name as it is a light novel, but I don't know where to find it. Maybe I'll search it up online later." Faith smiled. "Oh! Let's go to the Game Corner! I wanna get a new game! For my switch!"

"Let's get it then." I nodded.

We walked inside Game Corner and Faith searched around for the game she wanted. As I waited, I decided to scroll on Lust-E. I looked at all the pictures I had on my phone. I smiled at everyone of them.

Faith found the game she wanted and walked to me so I could buy it for her. I bought the game for her and waved at the clerk goodbye. We walked out the store, holding hands once again. We continued to stroll down the mall. I saw Aubrie and Ashley having lunch together. Faith hurried to them and they greeted her happily. I waved and Aubrie smiled and waved back along with Ashley.

"You two on a date or something?" Aubrie asked.

"Yeah...well our final date." Faith smiled sadly.

"Eh? Why final?" Ashley asked.

"He's leaving Destiny Islands...I don't know if he's ever coming back." Faith said and looked at me sadly.

"What about Chelsey? She seems so ecstatic to go on another date with you.." Aubrie looked at me sadly as well.

"Due to circumstances...I can't stay. saw what happened with your own eyes what happened to me. What happened to you." I said.

" nearly killed two people. Funny enough, Erik and Jack are in jail for...ahem...forceful sexual intercourse charges." Aubrie said.

"So this is it?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah...this is it." I gave a bittersweet smile.


"I remember the first day we met. You walked up to me and asked if me and Aubrie are polar opposites." Ashley smiled.

"Back then you two were opposites. Now she's calmed down and seems sweet now." I chuckled.

"Sh-Shut the fuck up..." Aubrie blushed and looked away.

"I still have your jacket you gave me when we first met.." Faith smiled sadly. "I'll always cherish it..."

I nodded then used Lust-E to buy them all a present. I held out my hand and a box appeared in my hand. They all looked surprised then I set the box on the table. "Go ahead and open it.."

They opened the box and took out three pieces of a charm. I sent other boxes to the girls I took on a date.

Day: Monday

Location: Matsugaya College Campus

Time: Afternoon

"Oh? A box?" Akira looked at the box and opened it, taking out a note and a charm.

"Mmph!" Gloria flinched a bit from the box appearing out of nowhere. She opened the box and took out the same things.

Day: Monday

Location: Nagagami's Gym & Sports Center

Time: Afternoon

"Pass!" Chelsey ran forward and tripped on a box. "Nngh!"

"Chel! Are you alright?" A girl asked.

"The fuck..?" Chelsey sat up and looked at the box. She grabbed the box and opened it, pulling out a note and a charm.

Day: Monday

Location: Krystal's House

Time: Afternoon

A box appeared in front of Krystal and she looked at it then opened it, also pulling out a note and a charm piece. "Hm..?"

Day: Monday

Location: Brickwood Park

Time: Afternoon

Chloe stared at a box that appeared in her hand then smiled and opened it. She pulled out a note and a charm. "From me."

Day: Monday

Location: My House

Time: Afternoon

A box appeared on the table and Lustie walked down the stairs, seeing the box then smiled. She hurried to it and opened it. She pulled out a note and a charm. "What is this? A charm piece?"

Day: Monday

Location: Fugigami's Market Area

Time: Afternoon

Naomi finished her cigarette and sighed then saw a box appear in front of her. She looked skeptical and crouched down, picking it up. She opened it, pulling out a note and charm piece. "What the fuck...?"

Day: Monday

Location: Chelsey's House

Time: Afternoon

Whitney hurried down the stairs and saw a box appear on the table and she hurried to it. She opened the box and pulled out a note then the charm piece. "Meet at the Scenic Outlook.."

Day: Monday

Location: North Park Mall

Time: Afternoon

"You want us to go to the Luna Scenic Outlook? Why?" Ashley asked.

"Just do it." I smiled then stood up. "Faith and I will meet you two there shortly.."

"O-Okay then." She nodded.

Faith stood up and pushed in her chair. We walked off and she looked at the charm. We held hands and her heart dropped even more. I looked ahead and heard a sniffle. I looked at her and saw her reading the note.

"Something special is going to happen if all 12 of us are at the scenic outlook?" Faith asked.

"Yeah. There are twelve pieces to this charm and I want everyone to be there." I smiled.

She nodded and kept walking with me to my house so we could get my car.


Day: Monday

Location: My House

Time: Afternoon

We got in the garage and I pressed a button to open the garage door. I unlocked the car doors and we got in the car. I started it and drove off, pressing the button to close the garage door.


Day: Monday

Location: Luna Scenic Outlook

Time: Evening

I parked the car and we got out. We walked up the stairs together and saw everyone at the scenic outlook. I smiled and they looked at me.

[Are you sure you want to complete the Boyhood Rank now? You'll gain benefits for 100% Completion.]

"I'm sure...the longer I stay like this, the worse my condition is...I have to rank up now..instead of later and I lose control." I said to Lust-E.

[Decision made.]

[Boyhood Rank Completed at 81%]

[Reward: Rank up to Manhood, Mark of Lust, New Routes Unlocked]

"I'm sure you're all wondering why you are here...together. I am here to answer your question. To complete my bond with you all." I said.

They looked at me then I walked to the rails of the outlook and slowly took off my eye patch. They watched with anticipation and I looked at them. Golden aura calmly flowed from my left eye.

"Gloria, Whitney, Naomi, Akira, Aubrie, Ashley, Chelsey, Chloe, Faith, Krystal...Lustie. I had a wonderful time with you all, so wonderful I wanted to give you all something to remember me by when I am no longer here." I said and walked to them.

I took their charm pieces from their hands and put them together then took my charm piece that was shaped into a heart and inserted it in the middle. The complete charm shined and began to float into the air. We all looked at it and I smiled.

"You all have given me joy, even though my life began to take a spiral slowly. I wanted to thank you all...for letting me live such a life like this." I said then looked at them.

"'re.." Gloria looked at me sadly.

"But who's gonna keep me company when I'm lonely..?" Krystal said sadly.

"Will you ever return..?" Faith asked.

"I don't know if I'll return, but I do know one thing...I will always be with you." I answered then the charm broke apart and landed into each one of our hands.

I grunted and held my left eye and turned away from them, walking forward. Lustie watched me and smirked then floated to me. I looked into the sky and my eye shined brightly releasing a large golden light into the sky.

"Finally...he decides to rank up. Although he doesn't receive the full rewards, he has enough to finally show me what he's capable of. How will he use his save Lustiela's Sisters?" Felola laughed while sitting on her throne.

The other girls watched in awe and watched as I ascended to manhood. Lustie smirked and looked back at the other girls and waved then teleported me and her away from the outlook. Gloria took a step forward and saw my charm piece and Lustie's charm piece on the floor.

"Shiro...thank you..for everything.." Gloria smiled and looked at the sky.


We appeared at my house and I panted and my eye began to burn a little. Lustie held me and smiled softly.

"It's done...We can finally move up because you'll be needing it..." Lustie kissed my forehead.

"Lustie...I don't feel accomplished, but I feel like this is better. I couldn't hold back anymore. That power...was beginning to hurt my body.." I said.

"I know. I know...but now you can rest. You earned it.." She smiled and giggled.

"Right.." I exhaled and uncovered my eye. "Tomorrow...we start my actual story. After I save your sisters of course."

"Yeah. And you can use your power however you see fit." Lustie smiled. "Now get to sleep! Tomorrow your story truly begins!"

I made my way upstairs and sighed. "Yeah, I know...good night."

"Good night!~" Lustie waved.

End of Season 1