Training With Talenta [1]

Day: Tuesday

Location: Nagagami's Gym & Sports Center

Time: Afternoon

I walked into the gym and walked into the basketball court, where I suspected Chelsey to be. As I walked in, I saw a practice game going on and saw Chelsey playing with some other upcoming basketball stars.

"Get em, Chel!" Caroline clapped and smiled.

Chelsey stopped and bounced the ball under her knee then back stepped and shot the ball. The ball smoothly entered the hoop and her team cheered for her.

"Good shit, Chelsey!" Mark cheered.

Lustie floated beside me and pointed at Talenta sitting on the bleachers, watching and holding a basketball of her own. I looked at Talenta and she looked lonely then I walked over to her and sat beside her, tapping her shoulder. She looked at me then smiled.

"Shiro, I thought you moved away.." Talenta looked back at the basketball game.

"That was the plan, but I have to save one more sister before I'm out of here. I was wondering if you wanted to form a bond with me.." I looked at the basketball game as well.

"A bond with you? Are you looking to add me to your harem?" Talenta asked.

"No no, you don't have to join my harem. Besides my level is too low anyway. I just wanted to know if you wanted to build a friendship bond. In reality I need help." I looked at her.

She looked at me and saw my hold my hand to her. She looked at my hand then slowly grabbed my hand and our eyes shined.

[Achievement Unlocked: Created Bond with Talenta!]

The whistle blew and everyone stopped playing. Chelsey panted and looked over, seeing me then stopped running. She dropped her water and everyone looked at her. They looked in the direction I was looking at. Mark, Whitney, and Caroline looked surprised to see me as well. I stood up and looked at Lustie then we nodded at each other.

"Shiro..?" Chelsey walked to me. "No way.."

I looked at Chelsey and before I could say anything, she hugged me. I smiled and rubbed her hair. Chelsey gripped my shirt and tears rolled down her cheek.

"I thought he moved.." Whitney said and stood up then hurried to me. She remembered what happened the other day and closed her eyes quickly.

"Chillax, Whitney. It's not like last time." I chuckled then ruffled her hair. "I'm still here because I have unfinished business. After that I'm gone until further notice."

"He's here for me." Talenta bowed and her tail swayed.

"Hm? Wait, you did show us you weren't there danger going on?" Chelsey looked at Talenta then at me.

"Mmm...I wouldn't count what I'm doing as dangerous. I'm just meeting one of her sisters and usually it ends with a fight so that's why I'm here for Talenta." I answered.

"Makes sense." Whitney nodded and smiled.

Chelsey let me go and looked at me then I wiped her tears with my thumb. She smiled and sniffled.

"Are you ready, Shiro?" Talenta asked.

"Yeah just a second." I answered then looked at Chelsey and Whitney. "This is our official goodbye, so bring it in one last time."

They both hugged me and I hugged back. We let go of each other and I smiled at them then walked off with Talenta. Lustie floated behind us and looked back at Chelsey and Whitney.

Day: Tuesday

Location: Talenta's Hideout

Time: Afternoon

"Now as I can't make you the Embodiment of Talent because you're already the Embodiment of Lust, I can teach you things that will make you more efficient in battle if it ever comes to that. You possess immense amounts of potential..I mean that's obviously, but you get what I mean. I will train your body and not your ability itself." Talenta looked at me and pointed. "Endurance is your thing and I know because I've watched you fight. Even without Lustie's help the first fight, you endured Mark's attack, only stumbling slightly."

"Can you tell me why Lustie and I are known as the weakest? I mean it feels like a stretch right?" I asked.

Talenta shook her head and smiled. "You and Lustie are stuck at a certain level until your abilities activate. Lustie's Copycat and Lust Manipulation and your Eye of Lust. You are stuck at Peak, maybe borderline Enhanced Condition, until your abilities take effect."

"What makes you different? Shouldn't you be the same as Lustie then?" I asked.

"I am made from pure talent, making me the strongest out of all the sisters. In fact, if you hadn't killed Caden, you two would've died. Lustie merely copied my abilities, but if I had targeted you, your bond with Lustie would've ended then and there." Talenta said and looked at me.

"Yeah that's true. Yeah...that's pretty true. Yeah. I mean...yeah that's true." Lustie nodded.

"So how are you going to train me? What will we do?" I asked.

Talenta snapped her fingers and my right eye shined blue. I looked at her and looked at my hands and feet.

"Huh. I don't feel any different.." I said to myself.

"I gave you Ability Intuition. I gave you the ability to learn any ability or power, but at a price. You must also learn the weakness of that ability or power which takes longer than learning it. Plus you must SEE that ability being used. You can also only learn a limited set of abilities. If you wish to gain more, you will have to meet the Goddess of Talent." Talenta nodded.

[Notice: Talent has a hidden mechanic! Now that you have Ability Intuition, the higher your Talent Level, the more abilities you can learn!]

[Talent: 10/50]

[Number of Abilities You Can Learn: 5]

"If you think about it, Lustie also has Ability Intuition. She just made it unique to herself. Copycat doesn't copy abilities or powers. It copies the target's power boosts. She can copy at will as well. The downfall is the target has to gain a power boost for Lustie to copy it." Talenta said. "That drawback is automatically cancelled our due to her ability to induce lust into her opponent and increase their power by force then copying those boosts."

'This must be the power of Ability Intuition...That was very on point.' I thought to myself.

"Tell me about my Ability." I said.

Talenta looked at me and her blue eyes shined then she closed her eyes. "The Eye of Lust contains the abilities Lust Inducement, which increases the amount of lust, sin, dark love, and sexual desire in the target. Combine that with your main ability, Lust Embodiment, you are an unstoppable force. The drawback is you can only feed off lust you induce to others otherwise you're only using your own lust."

"That's not bad right? I'm basically feeding off myself." I said.

"To some extent. It keeps you at a constant Peak Human Condition. Borderline Enhanced Condition, but for you to get stronger you need the lust of other people. Your power only works on Females, which poses a problem, most of your fights won't be against females. The question is how do you get stronger then? Lustie is your answer. She, herself, is a lustful person. So lustful it's borderline uncontrollable when she's around you. Inducing her will make her lustful aura go wild and you can feed off that boosting your power to Superhuman Conditions." Talenta explained.

"S-Superhuman Conditions..?" I looked surprised.

"The more lustful the target already is, and when you induce more lust on them, the more powerful you become. Downside, you'll be draining their lust and energy. Lustie isn't immune to her energy being drained, so be wary if you do intend on using that power with her." Talenta nodded.

"Do you know every ability known?" I asked.

"No. I am not even a percentage of knowing even a percentage of every skill. I just have Sense of Strength, but I haven't really used it outside of the Underworld. I only have a certain number of skills I can actually use. The Goddess of Talent on the other hand, knows every skill possible. Knows every talent, every aptitude-wise things. She bestows certain skills upon us and it is up to us to find ways to either better it or combine it with other skills." Talenta answered.

I stood up and grunted. "Interesting...when will we begin training? What will I be learning?"

"Since you are a defensive person, you will learn the art of Defense Boosting. I will show it to you and you will recite to me what the ability does and drawbacks." Talenta said.

"Got it!" I nodded.

Talenta closed her eyes and blue aura particles floated around her then fused with her body and her body began to shine. My right eye began to shine as I watched her. She opened her eyes and Lustie threw a paper ball at her. Talenta dodged swiftly and looked at me.

"Enhanced Defense...Gives the user the ability to block more efficiently, parry, dodge, or take hits without even having a scratch upon them. The drawback is it can only be used for defense purposes." I said.

"Perfect...that is exactly correct. Fighting isn't always about who can hit he hardest or who can hit faster. A great defense is a great offense. With the capability of your Eye of Lust, you can make the Enhanced Defense into something more." Talenta smiled.

I nodded and smiled. "I will be sure to give it a shot when I have the time."

"Question. Why do you even want these powers? You aren't really fighting anyone." Talenta asked.

"Well I plan on letting Lustie take me to another planet and who knows what kind of fuck shit they got going on there." I shrugged. "I want to be as prepared as possible."

"Understandable. Well are you ready for your next ability? We are starting fairly easy." Talenta crossed her arms.

"I'm ready." I nodded.