Rosea, Queen of the Dryads [2]

I stood outside and stretched. I watched Rosea walk down the stairs of the castle and she stood next to me.

"Good luck, and remember to have fun!~ The race between us will now commence!" Rosea said excitedly. "On your mark...get set...go!"

She dashed off. I watched her and the Mark of Talent shined on my arm. I dashed off and jumped up then grabbed a tree branch. I lunged to the next branch and swung on top of the next branch. I began to hop from branch to branch. I saw Rosea below me. She was pretty fast despite her large breasts weighing her down. I grunted as I jumped down and landed in front of her and vanished.

"Ooo~ Flash Step! A personal favorite movie of his~" Rosea giggled then vines emerged from the ground and wrapped around her.