Game of Lust: RPG [1]

Faith and I went in an open area in a forest so I could train her to use magic and control her magic abilities. She set the bag holding the box of treats on the ground then looked at me very attentively. Her blonde hair with blue highlights flowed in the wind. I smiled at her then took off my jacket and sat on the ground. She sat in front of me then looked at me.

"So...what do we do first?" Faith asked.

I remembered all the training I did when Athena was Talenta. I closed my eyes then took a deep breath and exhaled. "The first thing you want to do is learn to control your...Nah this is boring. Let's treat this like a video game."

"Oh?" Faith's eyes sparkled.

As I was about to snap my fingers, Destiny appeared behind me. "You need something, Master?"

"Gah!" I jumped and looked behind me. "D-Destiny?! How did you know I was gonna call you?"

"I sensed the feeling that you needed something from me." Destiny said then tilted her head.