Days With Chelsey [2]

"So this is the famous Elvania. It's just as the name says, full of Elves and whatnot! So what's so special about this place?" Chelsey asked as she walked off the airship.

"I have no idea to be honest. This is my first time actually exploring this part of Esoria. I guess together we will find out the wonders of the Elven Region~" I smiled and followed her off the airship.

Chelsey smiled and held my arm then we walked off together. We walked down the sidewalk and saw cars driving down the road and the city bustling with people. Chelsey looked around in excitement. She pointed at a building. "Hotel des amorex."

"Hm? That translates to Lover's Hotel." I said then noticed what I said then blushed.

Chelsey blushed as well and giggled then dragged me inside. "I wanna get a room here when we go on a night date~ Let's check it out!"