The Demon Tower End

I blitz my way through the rest of the tower until I reached the 20th floor and turned normal. I fell to my knees and panted. I took a moment to rest and noticed a magic circle appear under me then heal me fully.

"Congratulations for making it this far, Shiro." A woman's voice said.

I recognized that voice and looked up. It was Passion. "Passion..? You're boss of this Tower?"

"Mhm. You see, I asked Felola if I could have you first for this very reason. Sex with you made me stronger. It enabled me once again. I had to do whatever I needed to get to this level. Now...You're my opponent!" Passion said then summoned her daggers.

I stood up and grunted softly. "Hmph...Just you left. This shouldn't be too hard."

"Ha. Don't underestimate me. I am not as much as a push over as the others. You should really know not go get over confident!" Passion dashed to me.