The Curse

When the wolves were created and they started living individually, man to man under big houses and mansions, hunters began to develop.

So many people thoughts that food shouldn't just be planted and harvested, processed and eaten... Without rewards for it.

And so, five men started hunting and bringing different games back to to their fellow humans that started living with them in the same society.

They went on and on... For years. Until the Earth grew and humans began to spread out because of the limited land and space of that particular place.

The hunting didn't stop though. Only few resigned for family priorities, and other issues that seemed very important to them.

They hunted wild games such as antelopes, bears, tigers, lions, wolves, foxes, and killed the reigning supremacy of Vampires at their time of living (which they still are), just for food and some, for medicines.


Things started changing for the people who had both killed and resigned and were still killing because one by one, they started turning into wolves.

Shock and astonishment were their first expression. Because they knew nothing of what was happening to them as at that time.

Most went to sorcerers, others went to witches.

But they found nothing. No one could help them.

But on a deadly Wednesday Evening, when the rain was due to make up a flood, a purple female wolf with the eyes of a woman, appeared when all the wolves were out, trying to get games. She walked pass them, in the midst of them and into the deadly... Deepest part of the forest.

In curiosity, they all followed her. And that was the most regrettable experience that made curiosity to disconnect from their blood.

She walked to a round rock, flat on the ground, turned to the wolves following her and then started talking majestically.

She stared at them, and they stared at her.

"Who-Who are you?" the bravest amongst the wolves ask.

But all the purple wolf did was to chuckle hysterically and a smile could be seen spread on her snout... Or whatever they call it.

"I am the old white wolf, whom you killed"

History has it that she said other things other than what was just mentioned but this is the main quote from her talk.

But... The story goes on anyways...

Staring at the purple wolf in astonishment, admiring her beauty and wondering how they killed an old wolf without knowing....

Or hunting for all these years rather...

"Your fathers killed every single wolf, but they thought I was part of the ordinary wolves. They thought I was some wolf that had no goodies in her... Like I produced nothing"

Every black, grey, white, and brown wolf stared at her in shock as she passes each one of them and passes their shocked expressions.

"So I cursed you... " All the wolves raised their furry eyebrows that can't even been indicated.

"You shall be humans by 5:30am, but when the clock strikes 4pm, you will all become wolves, vampires, and foxes"

They all stared at her in complete shock and innocence. Where are all these coming from?

But the purple wolf was not moved by such pitiful expression, because she knew they were all pitiful anyways. They killed her, thinking she was a normal wolf...

But she was someone's mother.

Only few of her type walked on the surface of the earth every 300 years. They'll be given birth to as a human by human parents and when the time's due, they also become parents.

They decide when to die, or to continue living. Once they die, another wolf their type will be born and that's how they'll continue generationally til the Creator comes down.

But this special wolf has refused to die yet. Her reason is blunt but reasonable.

Other animals die when they are old and feeble, same with wolves and foxes. But because of that special spirit she possess, she has the freedom to tell the ground to swallow her up and make her desolate and dust...

But she never did that. And she still do not have the mind to do it.


Because of the hunters that killed her... They killed her and then she turned to a purple wolf. They eliminated the powers she has to become human again.

This surpasses a thousand years... Physically and as a human, she was married to a man and together, they bore a daughter.

But the man became rich and wealthy, that he forgot the woman that suffered with him to get to where he was, then.

The little girl was only five years old when her mother went to look for food (originally, kill other animals and bring for her daughter to eat)...

She waited... And waited... And waited... And waited...

But her mother never returned.

She was killed in the forest by hunters, but the hunters didn't find a wolf on the ground...

They found a very beautiful woman, looking like she's in her late twenties or something. Her white long hair covered her face, while the short dress she wore to come look for other animals, was quickly soaked in her own blood. Red and light as ever.

The hunters were shocked to the detriment of their souls seeing this beautifully shaped woman on the floor, killed by their gun's bullet.

One of the hunters carried her and off they went, to look for other games, while the hunter that carried her went back to their camp to treat her.

He had no intention of doing anything with her if she woke up, so the woman remained still as she read his mind like a script being read.

She smiled widely beneath her hair...

But halfway to the journey back to their camp...

She disappeared.

Making the hunter to have a death accident which he did not survive.

She disappeared and stared down at her daughter from a mountain peak in tears. She can't just go to her and tell her she's her mother.

And so...

She cursed the hunters and their generations.

"Because you have made me to be a wolf without seeing the joy of my blood, you shall never see the joy of your blood... "

But then, an option popped into her mind when she saw her daughter yelling her name and crying in their little home...

She bit her lips as tears rolled down her wolf, cute, eyes. Her heart starting to beat out of her chest.

She only wants this hunters around to suffer for it, but they will soon die, so let their generation also suffer for their sins.

But this will mean her daughter will also suffer for her disappearance.

And so she said...

"But only one wolf shall break this curse... Marrying a human, who will look like my human self, and set all you wolves, foxes and vampires free"