The curse of the werewolf leader

A different universe, among the created universes of life. A universe has been created for different beings, creatures who love the moon and make the moon the primary source of power and the power that can be mastered by itself or even passed down from parents.

The universe is ruled by dark creatures but has an average life like humans. A few white clouds are seen in the sky, and the blue night sky dominates this country coupled with the scattered stars and a beautiful full moon. The light of the full moon forms a circle with beautiful colours like a rainbow during the day. Under the beautiful stars and moon stood a magnificent palace with guards who seemed to be on guard.

The palace looked calm, serene and peaceful. But in reality, the palace led by a king is in constant turmoil. The king who leads this country is named Ethan Cinereous Wolf. He is the king who rules the land of the grey werewolf, who is known for his loyalty. Ethan had sat in his great chair. He was not accompanied by anyone beside him and was only accompanied by local people to serve him and this kingdom.

Ethan does not have a partner like other royal leaders. He accepts destiny from a curse that he will find it challenging to find a partner. The ministers, advisors, personal guards and several magicians had gathered in this place. Ethan didn't want to keep waiting for his partner to come to break the curse he had received. He asked the five magicians to bring their partners here quickly, even if by force. The five witches didn't know what to do, but they didn't want to disappoint King Ethan and punish them. They were forced to make a circle, and with a star in the middle, then they asked for a little of Mr Ethan's blood to quickly find Mr Ethan's partner. A male wizard began to start lord Ethan's hand and mix the blood that came out with water, after that put a bowl filled with water mixed with lord Ethan's blood into the centre of the circle. The five magicians began to take their positions, namely standing outside the circle and began chanting spells. The five witches hope the chanted spell works well and Lord Ethan's blood as an offering can be well received. While casting spells, the five magicians hid their fears. They know how this spell works. They are afraid that if lord Ethan's partner has not been born by this time, it will be a failure in this ritual, and they will indeed be executed by lord Ethan.

The anxiety in the five witches was immediately removed. The five witches began to focus and try to attract Ethan's mate with magic spells. Meanwhile, Mr Ethan watched what the five witches were doing, and those in the room were worried about what would happen to the five witches after this ritual. Ethan's lord couple's forced summoning was a significant risk, and they all knew the risk. Except for Mr Ethan, who is more concerned with ego because of his loneliness and the curse he can't accept.

Not long after, a light appeared in every circle line. Seeing this, one of the magicians immediately poured a bowl of blood mixed with water on the floor. The light that accompanied the circle on the floor was rapidly approaching blood mixed with water. Fire, water and blood make this place thick smoke out. The longer, the thicker the smoke that came out and enveloped this place. Mr Ethan, the five wizards and those in the room remained silent in their respective places. Until slowly, the thick smoke disappeared and revealed someone who had been lying on the floor. A girl with a bloody head and was unconscious was on the floor.

Mr Ethan, who saw the girl, immediately got up from his seat. He immediately approached and watched the girl. As soon as he saw the blood on the girl's head, he immediately lifted the girl's body.

"What did you do to my wife?" asked Mr Ethan, which left the five wizards speechless.

The five witches didn't know this was going to happen. To avoid the anger of Mr Ethan, one of the wizards replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ethan. It's possible that something happened to Mr. Ethan's wife, and we saved her in time. We'd better treat Mr. Ethan's wife's wound now, wait for it to heal first and then Mr Ethan can talk to her."

Mr Ethan immediately carried the girl to the bed without another word and called the healers to treat her wound. Mr Ethan happily waited outside while the girl would be treated by the healers.