One Decision and One Shattered Heart

The wind blew in her face as she heard his words. A bell sounded in her head as she realized she had never loved Gabriel. She was skeptical since she liked him. But she now realized she didn't love him.

She simply had an attraction to him. But hearing those words from the mouth of a man, especially one who is also a wolf and, more significantly, is recognized as the most ruthless guy among a few, left her speechless.

It was difficult for her to take it as reality, but she couldn't completely ignore it either. Because Mark demonstrates the most of it. She, on the other hand, cannot accept a wolf king as her husband.

What if he goes insane? She'd be ripped to shreds. More importantly, he does not adore her. He did claim he would love her, but who knows how long that will take.

But every time she glances at his bluish eyes, her heartaches. It was due to the collision yes and no. She hurriedly moved her sight away from his. She knew that the longer she stared into his eyes, the deeper she would sink.

Gabriel was the most painful at this time. He had been defeated. And he was defeated in the most dreadful way possible. He wanted her to believe in him. But he knows he won't be able to.

Humans, unlike wolves, have no relationship to her. In fact, if they know the wolf tribe is about to wage war against them, they will most likely abandon her. The wolf tribe alone may not pose as much of a threat to the entire human continent.

However, it posed a significant threat to the residents of Garcia. Anyone who joins the Garcia will never be under the influence of the three continents, as this region is entirely self-contained. However, because of their ancestor's enormous faith, the residents of this city never attack one other.

Similarly, most people will not attempt to attack Garcia. You cannot defeat them unless you bring a whole army of your race. Garcia is guarded by two people of the eighth rank, a dragon and a human. But it is impossible to win against the Grand Elder of the ninth level.

That is why Gabriel was unable to act. He could be the greatest genius in the human race, but if he doesn't make it out alive. Then nothing matters. Unless your arrogance is completely overblown in your mind, a deceased genius is no longer worth battling for.

"I can marry you, but you must make a vow that you will not be able to break." Rose inhaled deeply and said with a sad expression on her face.

"I can guarantee you anything." Wolf King spoke with a nod of his head.

"You must not touch me without my permission," Rose spoke out, her gaze fixed on his eyes. She had to look up because he was five inches taller than her.

'I just hope I don't have to do too much dancing with him. My neck will hurt if I keep gazing up Wait a minute! What am I thinking? Dancing makes us touch each other.'

"I pledge not to touch you unless you give me permission." Wolf King straightened his spine and spoke proudly, his eyes shining brightly. Those eyes told her that he would rather die than breach his promise.

And that was correct. Beasts and Spirits, unlike most humans, do not breach their commitments. Even when it is absolutely necessary, they uphold their promises. And he must uphold his pledge as wolf king and alpha. That is what it means to be at the pinnacle.

"Father!" When she heard his remark, she turned to face her father, who was still hugging his wife. When he notices her bitter expression, he places his wife on the counter and walks up to her. He asks as he caresses her face.

"Do you know why I named you Rose?"

"Does it have anything to do with my eyes?" With those red eyes that could win a man's heart like Gabriel's, she could compete with noblewomen and princesses without losing a hand. But she was aware that beauty can be a curse at times.

That is why she makes every effort to conceal her own beauty. She works on a hot bright day, wears mixed clothes, and behaves erratically in order to hide her beauty. She was, in fact, taught a lesson during her school years.

His words misled her when she thought she had finally found love. He didn't care for her. He was smitten by her body. This is, in fact, correct. And she's well aware of it. However, when you let down your guard, you are slammed hard by expectations.

An aristocratic child would never be drawn to her if she were a commoner with an average appearance. On the one hand, she was overjoyed to acquire such beauty, but on the other hand. As a result, she entered a difficult period in her life. When she decided to call it quits, that noble youngster assaulted her.

And it was at this period that she met Gabriel. Despite the fact that she was only 10 years old at the time. She opened her heart once more. And it was a little purer this time. Gabriel stayed with her since she was a sweet girl.

Although he admires her beauty, he never looked her in the eyes. But, after two years, she was put in a dangerous scenario when Gabriel purposed to her. Two years ago, she was simply a kid who was enthralled by the various trinkets she received from the nobility and admired him.

Two years later, she was still a kid who was enthralled by his good looks and compassionate heart. She began to like him as well. But, just when that liking was about to grow into love, Gabriel's fiancée appeared, crushing her heart once more.

And this time she was confronted with rejecting his proposal at the expense of her family. She might have ignored it if it had been two years ago. But she learned a lot in two years. And she was well aware of how much influence such nobles wield.

She declined after that. She focused on completing her schoolwork. Gabriel enrolled at Battle Academy after the age of sixteen, and she began assisting her parents at home. Even yet, Gabriel continues to meet her, chat with her, dine at her restaurant, and seek her.

But when she accepted Wolf King's proposal, his heart was completely shattered.