Chapter 1

There was a heavy rainstorm in the remote village called Salem. I, Lyla Gregor, a peasant girl was running in search of shelter. I have been hawking since morning and didn't even know that the rain was going to pour today and that it would be so heavy.

Noticing that there was no place to hide, I decided to run back home since I was already done with today's selling. It was sad that I had to go under the pouring rain though.

My house was located far away from the market where I had gone to sell and I would have to pass through the woods just to get to my destination.

"Ah it is such a beautiful day but now, I'm soaked and if I don't find shelter soon, I'll have a fever." I sighed and walked through the woods, I tried my best to walk at a fast pace but it turned out that the woods were never-ending and I was getting creeped out by the sound of the thunder.

Instead of walking, I decided to run that way, I'll get home soon and mother would not complain. But then, I stumbled on something and fell. My natural white hair was now covered with dirt and my face was scratched by the sand on the floor.

I instinctively turned to see what I had tripped on and then, I heard the crying sound of an animal.

"Ah!" I screamed and ran away. I hid behind a tree and pecked from the side.

The big animal was brutally injured and its leg seemed to be dislocated. I blinked twice in fear as I stared at the wolf. I stayed there for a while watching it limp away but in no time, the wolf fell to the ground and passed out.

What to do? I was scared when I saw the weak body of the wolf collide with the ground. I didn't think twice before running to the place where the wolf laid.

"Urgh... Damned if I don't."

In all my life, I have never seen a real wolf, I have only heard stories about them and how horrendous they were and because I was in the village, I was subjected to peeking at the black and white television at the marketplace whenever I go to sell.

I got to where the wolf laid and hesitantly touched it. "Um... It doesn't look as dangerous as the people are making it seem." I caressed its fur and somehow, I felt happy with how submissive the wolf was.

"Are you hurt? Don't worry, I'll take care of you. First, let's get you away from here before anyone sees you then, I'll get your wounds cleaned up." I'm a 23 years old girl but most people say my heart is as pure as that of an infant. Although I am subjected to hard labour and a harsh life by my stepmother, I never really cared about the ill-treatments and only did what I felt was right and humane.

"Ah..." I tried to lift the wolf but it was simply impossible. Because my hands were too tiny and the wolf was very big, I had a hard time bringing him all the way back home so I took him to my secret hideout where I always stay whenever I needed to be alone.

I tore my cloak and tied his wound. It was a precious cloak my biological mother left behind for me after she died and I always wore it wherever I went.

I mixed some herbs and applied them to his deep cuts to make sure they heal faster then, lit up the cave where I brought it and helped it warm up.

I looked at the wolf and smiled. "You're such a strong big wolf. It's a good thing you held on." my smile they say, is beautiful and my unique violet eyes matched well with my white hair.

The wolf slowly closed its eyes and for a moment, I panicked. I didn't know what else to do and Immediately ran out to look for more reviving herbs.

I got more herbs and administered them to the big bad wolf. Some of these herbs were very strong and I felt that was what he needed for now.

The wolf that was only sleeping growled at me when I put the herb on its injured part. I was caught unaware and hurriedly moved backwards. "Ah..." I held onto my right arm which had been bruised by its sharp claws.

The look on the wolf's face was murderous and I could feel my heart beating widely in her chest.

I remained in the same position for a long time, trying to prevent myself from breathing and causing any more damage. If I were to die here, no one would find my remains till after a few months.

The wolf soon stopped growling and laid back down. I was extremely scared but I couldn't let it suffer. I tied up my wound and added the woods. So that it would stay warm for the rest of the night then I went back home.

I felt bad that the big bad wolf attacked me but then again, animals need training and I would have to train him to be a better wolf and probably, my friend. This thought of mine lightened up my heart.

I have always been a fun-loving girl but because of my stepmother, no one wants to mingle with me. My father passed away years ago and my step-sister works in the city while I'm subjected to staying here and taking care of my stepmother.

I held my tray and stared at the beautiful night sky as I silently walked home. To me, nothing is more beautiful than the blue sky which contains a thousand stars and of course, the big moon.

It's no surprise that I fancy the moon, after all, I was named after it. Ayla, which means halo of light around the moon.

I smiled as I walked back home but soon, my smile faded and I couldn't understand what was happening.

Mother smiled at me and held me by the hand. "My princess, you're back. Hope you didn't get too wet from the rain?"

I was confused. Why was mother Mare being so nice to me all of a sudden? Didn't she hate my guts and always tells me that I am not her daughter? What changed this time around.

I was lost in my thoughts and she carefully took me inside and asked me to take a bath.

"Baby, I have boiled some water for you. All you need to do now is go and take a hot bath while I make hot tea for you. I've also arranged some thick clothes for you." She explained everything she had done and somehow, I found it hard to believe. Am I dreaming or something? But when I touched my right arm, I could still feel the pain inflicted on me by the wolf so what could have happened to make mother change so drastically?

I went to the bathroom just as she instructed and I must admit, the water was soothing and the cold I felt a few minutes ago had vanished. But even though the water felt great, I still thought something was not right. Did mother put poison in the water? No! I shouldn't think of such things she would never do such a thing.

I slept off in the bathroom and that was all I remembered.