Weird dreams

My sudden change in expression was obvious and I knew that if Gerard has read the content, it means he knows about my illness.

He dropped the file on the table and continued eating without saying anything else. I also picked up the cutlery in front of me and began to dig in.

I didn't know where the appetite came from but all I know is I ate the food till there was nothing left on the table and I also ate it like it was actually what I wanted to eat.

So this was the reason for this meal. I should have known that something was up when the meal was presented.

Immediately after I finished eating, I went straight to the bed and covered my entire body with the blanket. I wasn't ready for any lecture, not that Gerard was the type to say much anyway.

It didn't take long after the staff took the plates out that I felt the other side of the bed sink.

I jumped out of the bed and looked at Gerard who was facing the ceiling suspiciously.

"What are you doing?" he raised his brow and looked at me in askance as if saying 'what does it look like?'

"Well, this is my bed and my room and you shouldn't be sleeping here." Gerard did not tear his eyes from the ceiling and just continued staring as though I was invisible.

The last time he slept on this bed, he gave an excuse of helping me sleep because of my condition but this time is different. I'm not sick anymore and if he really needs to sleep here, he can just sleep on the couch.

"And did you forget to include this house in your list?" I paused and looked at him confused. What has this house got to do with anything I just said?

"Mr Gerard you..." before I could finish talking, he hushed me causing me to keep my mouth shut.

"Shi... Call me husband and I might consider letting you sleep on this bed alone." he requested but this request sounded absurd to me. Why should I call him husband? Why would I even do that?

When he waited but got no response, he closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

Argh, it was so frustrating. I couldn't understand why he always makes my life miserable by asking for the impossible.

I sighed and took the pillow for the bed and also, the blanket. If the mountain would not go to Mohammed then, he'll have to go to the mountain.

Asking me to call him my husband was like a mountain and I would not fulfil such a desire. He is not my husband in fact, I consider him a kidnapper.

With my pillow and the blanket, I walked to the couch in the room and slept there.

Frustrated, I was so uncomfortable and finding a comfortable spot was like an impossibility.

How was I even expecting him to sleep here? I'm so tiny yet I'm uncomfortable. Imagining his size on this couch, made me realize how inconsiderate I was.

I tossed and turned to find the right spot but it wasn't as comfortable as the bed. This was rather quite unfortunate but my ego would not let me call him husband either.

Tired and fed up with looking for the right spot, I picked up my pillow and the blanket and went back to the bed like a prodigal daughter or should I say, wife.

He occupied the whole space but as soon as I drew close to the bed, he created space for me to sleep but still didn't get out of the bed.

I couldn't complain and just got on the bed and faced my side of the bed trying to ignore his entire existence. He was also facing his side which made it better for me.

I adjusted the pillow but it had become so uncomfortable because I was used to adjusting it on the couch. I almost groaned in frustration. Why me? Suddenly, I remember how comfortable I felt in Gerard's arms but no! I pushed that thought to the deepest part of my mind.

I could feel Gerard moving but I still didn't turn from where I was laying.

"Come here." his calm yet bold voice resonated in the quiet room but I acted as though I was already asleep and didn't reply to him.

After a moment, he sighed and pulled me close to him. Immediately I felt his hands around my waist, I shuddered but didn't resist. I couldn't lie that his arms were indeed the most comfortable pillow.

He adjusted himself to a sleeping posture that looked like he was hugging me from behind and I could feel his breath by my nape. We stayed like this for a very long time and just as I was about to sleep, my foolish mind wandered to a place it shouldn't have.

I remembered the book I read at noon and all the words cake to my mind as though I was just reading it now.

With Gerard's hands on my waist, it's no wonder that I thought of such. I tried to break free from his grip but his hands were locked around my waist and he wasn't letting go.

When I heard his steady breathing, I figured he was already asleep and sudden movements could wake him up. This wouldn't be a very nice thing to do, would it?

I had to endure for tonight and tried to sleep. Just then, Gerard woke up and I was under him as he hovered over me.

"What... What are you doing? I thought you were already asleep." I stammered and blinked twice in confusion at his sudden movements. His eyes were filled with something I could not phantom but the hairs on my body rose and were giving me the hints of danger.

Before I could move or run, Gerard leaned in and pressed my lips with his ferociously. He had my hands locked with one of his hands over my head and his body was pressed over mine.

It took some time for me to register what was happening in my mind and when I tried to protest, his tongue slid into my mouth skillfully and he kissed and bite me until I was breathless.

I tried to push him away but his body locked mine and my hands were immobile. Why did he suddenly become like this?

He suddenly stopped kissing me causing me to breathe heavily. I now knew the importance of oxygen. He looked at my lips with an intense gaze that I had never seen in my entire life and liked his.

"That's it. That's it my darling and you must resist your lord and master. Hmm." when Gerard said this, I stopped trying to catch my breath and looked at him like a scary cat. Why do those words sound so familiar?

Before I could register them in my head, he leaned in again and kissed me ferociously only this time, his second hand that was not gripping my hands was not staying put but roaming around my body. He slid his hand under my cloth and took it up, it kept going up until it almost touched my...

My eyes snapped open and I saw Gerard sleeping soundly on the bed hugging me just like he was before we slept.

"Christ... It was a dream."