
There was an awkward silence in the mall for a while until Lucy turned and burst into laughter.

She laughed over and over again causing Theo and the other staff to feel even more embarrassed. I felt like stopping her but then again, Theo got what she deserves.

Lucy walked up to Mr Qin and smiled brightly. "Mr Qin, what brings you to this section? It's a female section."

He winked at her signalling her to play along. "Well, I came here looking for sister in law."

"Ahah... I see..." Lucy turned and looked at my lost expression. I knew I had seen this man before but I couldn't recall where.

Theo instantly widened her eyes when she heard the word sister in law. She hesitantly turned to look at me but was confronted by an expressionless face.

"Sis... sister in law?" she shuddered as she asked. I raised my brow at Theo and played along with Qin and Lucy perfectly.

Majestically, I walked up to Qin and smiled warmly. This behaviour of mine caught everyone's attention because I knew that I looked like an enchantress or better still, the goddess of seduction. I learnt this from all those TV fashion shows and whenever I saw girls like this, I usually had the same expression as these staff we're having now.

"Mr Qin was looking for me? You ended up causing a catastrophe seems like all the girls in the store has been struck by Eros' arrow of love."

Qin blinked twice then laughed awkwardly. "Well, I needed help with some bank issues so I came looking for you."

"Oh really? Then why not use her card instead?" Lucy asked pulling out a black platinum card from her bag.

"Mrs Ayla has so many platinum cards that I don't even know which one she would like to give," Lucy spoke pulling out two more. I looked at her confused. Of course, I knew what a platinum card was. But what was confusing was the fact that she pulled it out of my bag. How is that possible? I don't even have one but now, she pulls out three.

Theo's eyes almost popped out as I cried her from the corner of my eyes. She was not just surprised but almost on the verge of breaking down. The same was for the other staff who were also working there.

Before we could talk any further, the door opened and two men dressed in a navy blue suit walked it. They looked very formal and professional.

I noticed that they were carrying some documents so I guessed that they were businessmen.

"Shall we?" I asked Lucy but Qin stopped us. There was something about the way he looked and I instantly knew that something interesting was about to happen.

I remained put and just watched the drama that was about to unfold but then, the unexpected happened.

The men in the blue suit began to walk towards me and now, I had regrets about staying back. What do they want? Could it be that they were not businessmen but security men? But why on Earth would security men dress like this?

They drew closer and closer but I didn't move from where I stood neither did my face reveal any expression but if anyone could hear my heartbeat and the thoughts in my mind, they would know that I was like a mad man running around this building naked.

"Mrs Ayla?" one of the men asked. He was so formal a while ago and had a cold expression but immediately I affirmed his question, his face immediately turned neutral and his expression was calm and warm.

"Please sign these documents." I collected the documents and handed them over to Lucy without even glancing at them for one second.

Lucy pulled out a pen after reading through it and pointed at the areas where I should sign. I wasn't stupid to just sign it. That act of passing the papers to Lucy was just for show.

As I was signing the papers, my eyes were reading them and not focusing on the place where I was signing. It was a good thing that there wasn't too much to read and the fonts were big.

I knew it had to do with owning something but I couldn't care less, I didn't have any property that could be sold.

"Thank you, Mrs Ayla. Our former owner would reach out to you very soon." after that, one of the mab walked out and the second remained.

He turned the staff and cleared his throat. "Why are you all standing there? Don't you have work to do?"

He then turned to me and asked. "Madam, I learnt that some of the staff we're being rude and disrespectful. Would you like to have them replaced?"

He was very serious when he said this and he looked like someone ready to fire any staff at the spot.

"It's nothing... I" I was still talking when Qin cut me short.

"Actually, how about you just replace all of them? It seems they don't know who their boss is anyway." when he finished saying this, the section erupted with the cries of the staff. Each and every one of them begging to keep their jobs.

Theo was struck dumb and was almost dying. Her face was as white as a printing sheet and her lips were chapped as though she had been sick and in a coma for years. She practically looked dead.

"Silence!" The man erupted in anger. He could not take any more of their nonsense and immediately called for security.

"See these ladies out and make sure they don't show their facing in this mall ever again." he was damn serious and his voice could make even the bravest of all men fidget.

The cries of the girls increase and they were all on their knees begging to be forgiven. All of them were culprits and had laughed when Theo was making fun of me but wasn't this too extreme though?

I turned to Lucy confused about how this man got to know and what influence he had to replace the staff just because Qin asked him to.

After sending all the girls out, he turned to me and apologized. "I am sincerely sorry about the inconveniences. Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked.

I was surprised by the drama that just unfolded in front of me but I didn't reveal any expression of such.

"That would be all. Thank you." I politely responded and he bowed before leaving. I was completely surprised by what just happened but then again, I was expecting a good show.

Qin turned to me after the man had gone out of the section. "That was the manager of essence..."

I nodded in realization and could finally understand why he had the power to send all of them away but then again, I wondered if this is how he treats his staff all the time because a random customer came and was disrespected.

We walked out of the mall and I realized that I still couldn't remember who this Mr Qin was. I leaned close to Lucy and asked. "Who is this man?"

She smiled and continued. "He was the doctor who came by the house the other day to check up on you when you fainted."

When she said this, my brain finally remembered who he was. I now knew that I couldn't remember him because on that day, I was only half awake and wasn't even in the right frame of mind.

We finally got to the car parked outside and it was time for us to go. "Thank you, doctor Qin."

A smile appeared on his face and he asked. "It's good to see you looking healthier. I'm quite convinced that my friend is doing a great job. If you need anything, tell Lucy to contact me. I would personally make anyone pay even if it's Gerard." when he finished his sentence, we all laughed knowing that that would be impossible.

I then asked again. "What about your bank issue? How would you get it sorted now?"

He smiled and walked to his car. "You tell me. You own the mall after all." I didn't understand what he meant but I couldn't ask either because he was already in his car and it was already ready to go.

I turned to the only person who I could ask. "What... What did he just say?"

Lucy smiled and spoke gleefully. "The papers you signed were transferred of ownership papers. You now own essence."

My eyes widened but I still couldn't believe her. How can I own Essence? It's just impossible. I don't even have money to afford a cloth from this mall let alone own it.