Eros, god of love

Immediately I got back home, the only person that was on my mind was Gerard. Somehow, I felt like avoiding him altogether but then, that would be ungrateful. But then again, who asked him to do it in the first place? I was already on top of the matter.

I for one, hate being indebted to people I know I can't payback. This is one thing of the reasons why I'm usually contented with the things I have.

I sighed and walked straight to the kitchen. Lucy had asked if we should stop at a restaurant to have some food but I declined because I was not in the mood. Going to the mall was enough drama. If I go to a restaurant now, I wouldn't know what to expect. I might just end up owning the whole country C if I do that.

I put on the apron and began to cook whatever was on my mind. It was a good thing that the ingredients were already available and I didn't have to look for much.

Soon, I was successful in making three different dishes with a side dish to make the food digest on time. Cooking was my speciality and I didn't find it stressful at all.

After I was done, I personally placed the food on the table and before I finished setting the table, Gerard was already seated and ready to eat.

I placed everything without saying a word. Call me a brat but I am not a fan of saying thank you. Instead of saying it, I'll rather show you that I'm grateful.

After I finished, I stood in front of him and finally uttered the forbidden words. "Thank you." I didn't know why, but it felt like if I don't thank him then I would really be an ungrateful brat. Besides, nobody has ever treated me this well.

"Not accepted." was Gerard's simple answer. I was struck dumb and felt like I could make a wish to reverse time and take back my words.

"What do you... You know what, fine." I turned around and began to walk away but he caught up to me and grabbed me by my waist flipping me to turn around and face him.

His movements were swift and it was almost like he had rehearsed this move countless times.

I was adamant and wanted to break free not caring whatever charm he planned to use today.

"My little wife is being feisty isn't she?" Gerard's gaze was bewitching and the word wife was enchanting. How can those words leave his mouth so easily? Did he study how to enchant people?

I am certainly not going to fall for this today. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and lash back at him.

"Well, I am not the one who rejects a thank you..." I didn't exactly lash out and my words came out more like a whisper.

"So you agree that you are my wife then." he had a slight smile on his face when he said this and I felt like I was going to burst anytime soon.

"What do you mean my wife? I never said anything like that." I hurriedly refuted his words and glared at him like I had a million daggers on my hands.

"But you didn't refuse it as well."

"Mr Gerard Jarek, I..." I had barely completed my word when he said something that stunned me.

"Mrs Ayla Jarek..." his eyes twinkle with sparkles I could not phantom. And his grip around my waist tightened. It was obvious that he wasn't planning to let go any time soon.

I was speechless when I heard his words and didn't have any word to say to him, all I could do was stare like a lost lamb.

"So..." his eyes left mine and moved to my lips and his gaze looked intense that I felt like he was practically going to lock me up for the day. Ohh wait, why does that sound awkward?

"Would Mrs Jarek join me for lunch or would you rather we go upstairs instead?" without thinking, I answered.

"Upstairs." I was already exhausted and wanted to sleep anyway so why would I forfeit my sleep for food but why did he include himself?

"Are you sure?" he raised his brow sceptically and it was then that I knew what this whole conversation was about.

"I... I mean..." I was yet to complete my sentence when I spotted the two crazy duos coming in.

I didn't know what came over me and I wrapped my arms around Gerard's neck allowing them to see properly before speaking.

"Why don't we do both? We could eat now then go upstairs later." Gerard was confused and I could see it in his eyes but I signalled him with my eyes and he looked in the direction of my sight and saw the duo staring lost at us.

"Oh... I see..." a smile flashed on his face and I couldn't help but smile as well. Making those two angry was my speciality and I planned to do just that until I get tired. That's if I ever get tired.

Surprisingly, Gerard acted fast and took advantage of the situation. A soft peck landed on my forehead and my eyes widened in shock. I felt like fainting from the peck. There was a funny feeling I could not fathom but I knew it wasn't resentment towards Gerard. In fact, it was far from that.

What was that? I blinked twice and tried to wrap this around my head. of course, I have heard about these things in books but have never felt this way in reality.

I looked up at him and our eyes locked. That sinisterly enchanting smile of his was revealed and I suddenly felt like falling. How can he be so cruel to smile like that? God did an amazing job when He was making this beauty and I felt like I was standing in front of a god and not just any god but the supreme Eros, god of love.