Snow White to a badass motorcyclist

Ayla stayed in her room till nightfall that day because she had school the next day and she didn't want to mess it up, even though there was actually nothing worth messing up.

It was the next day and she was still sleeping because she had been thinking about school the whole night and slept late

"Knock knock..." Lucy knocked on the door but when she got no response, she slightly pushed the door open only to find Ayla still sleeping.

She walked up to her bed and smiled at Ayla's innocent self and saw her white hair scattered everywhere on the bed.

Lucy crouched down to pull Ayla's hair away from her face but Ayla woke up rather aggressively.


I was having the most wonderful dream in the world until I got chased by some armed men. I ran for my life for miles until a horrendous creature began to devour the men behind me.

I heard screams and shouts from them but I just kept going until someone gripped my hand and I had no other choice but to fight back.

"Ali... Ali..." slowly, my senses were returning and I opened my eyes only to find Lucy pinned to the wall by my hand and she looked rather surprised than scared.

"Having a nightmare?" she asked calmly, I looked at my surroundings and realized it was morning already.

I looked at my hand that was gripping her neck and quickly pulled away.

"Oh my! Did I hurt you? Are you hurt?" when I let her go, she held her neck and looked at me with surprise in her eyes.

After a long moment of silence, she finally spoke. "It's no wonder master doesn't sleep in this room. He might wake up one morning and discover his head chopped off."

I laughed at her silly joke and waved to her. "Don't be silly... What's the time?"

She looked at the time as I made my way back to my bed to finish some business.


Immediately I heard that my eyes were widened and I felt like I practically flew to the bathroom.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I was panicking. This is my first day at school and I'd be good night late. Not that anyone cared but I did.

Imagine running into a class late only to find some student laughing and the teacher staring at you like a perverted and indisciplined student.

I didn't want that kind of attention for my first day in school, certainly not.

I quickly brushed my teeth and I wasn't even sure if I washed them properly. All I knew was, I had to leave the house immediately.

Immediately I finished bathing, I dashed out and luckily for me, Lucy had already picked what I would wear.

It was a simple yellow turtle neck top with black pants and a black leather jacket.

I had never seen the leather jacket in my closet before but I must say, I loved the look of it. It made me look like I had switched roles from snow white to a badass motorcyclist.

She also selected a black boot for me. It seemed like she had gotten used to my love for black.

I tied my hair in a bun and took a pair of spectacles to balance the outfit. Although I wanted to look badass, these spectacles would conceal it and until I remove them, no one would realize my badass nature.

I grabbed my backpack and looked at the mirror one more time before running through the corridor.

Gerard was seated at the dining table but I was rushing and only yelled from the corner. "Bye Gerard."

I went to the entrance but I got blocked by someone who held the doorknob. I looked up and found no one other than Gerard.

I looked at the distance between the dining and him and wondered if he wasn't the same person I saw the other time.

"That's no way to say hello to your husband." he had his brow raised and had a serious look on his face.

I chuckled when I saw how serious he was. I have spent a few months here and it's enough to know that Gerard is not as hard as I thought he would be. He just looks like a lost injured wolf who was far away from home.

Why does that remind me of the big bad wolf? Well, it's no surprise seeing that they share so many similarities starting with that heterochromia eyes of theirs.

"At least, we are friends, aren't we? And today is your first day at school, you might get attracted... No that's not possible, I'll break their limbs."

Gerard was talking calmly until he got to the attractive word then his gaze turned two shades dark.

This act made me laugh then an idea came to my mind. "There are going to be so many boys in my school, in fact, so many that I won't be able to count. Tall, short, dark, light skinned, fat, thin... Too many varieties to list."

Gerard's face slowly began to turn red and it was then that I thought of the naughtiest thing that has ever crossed my mind.

Hurriedly, I placed a quick peck on his cheek leaving him stupefied. "But no one is as cute as you."

I ran out of the house and got into the ride that was waiting for me leaving Gerard standing there like a mannequin.

In the car, I held my lips and slapped my face. "What is wrong with you Ayla? What did you just do?"

I instantly began to regret my actions and blamed it all on the romance novels I've been reading lately.

My cheeks were red as the lava from a volcano and painful due to the unwanted smiles that always crept in from time to time.

This is the last thing I want to be thinking about right now. I have school, oh! And different guys to meet.