Spending the night with my wife

Gerard returned to the room after asking Lucy to prepare some food and he didn't even look at Diana twice before leaving.

This act of his caused her to panic. She was worried that he already knew what she did but was only waiting for the perfect moment to speak to her about it.

Knowing Gerard, he was working on his anger issues and wouldn't want things like this to ruin his resolution but Diana went too far and even she knew that even though this wasn't exactly her fault.

Before Gerard went back into the room, he received a call. On the other end was the voice of a man. He sounded calm yet his bold voice could scare anyone to death.

"There is a car down the road that had an accident a few hours ago I presume. But based on what I found, two of the men were shot before the accident while the case of the third man is unknown yet." the man's voice was lazy as though he had been woken up from sleep go out for a search.

"Ok" was all Gerard said before disconnecting the lines. He looked towards Ayla's room sceptically before knocking on the door.

He knocked twice but got no response and the door was locked. He pulled out an extra key worried that she might be in danger again and opened the door.

I was just leaving the bathroom with my robe when Gerard came in. It was a good thing I decided to use the robe today instead of my towel.

I looked at him confused and wanted to lash out at him for badging in but then, I saw the slight worry on his face and kept mute.

I pursed my lips when I realized that my hair was dripping wet from the shower I just took and the towel I wrapped my hair in wasn't helping matters at all. This was like exposing my disobedience right in front of him.

He didn't dwell too much h on it and surprisingly, he didn't say anything about me washing.

Slowly, he walked up to me and place both hands on my shoulder making me a seat on the bed.

I didn't understand what he was doing but sat anyways. He took the blow-dryer from the drawer and connected it to the socket.

I blinked twice when I saw him do this and wondered what he needed it for. He certainly wasn't going to blow-dry my hair now, was he?

He stood in front of me and gently removed the towel from my head then began to blow-dry it. This was more uncomfortable than awkward. I've never had anyone blow-dry my hair. Not that there was even a blow-dry at Salem.

It took a while and we were both quiet throughout this time. When he was done, he moisturized it and combed it properly. I felt like I was in the salon and the only thing he didn't do was wash the hair.

He returned all the equipment and just then, a knock came from the door but instead of allowing the person to come in, he walked to the door and opened it halfway then took the tray from Lucy.

This act of he's was strange but I wasn't bothered at all since they were all positive things.

Gerard walked back into the room and dropped the tray on a table there. "You should eat something before going to bed. It wouldn't be good if you don't eat anything at all."

He looked so calm and gentle and for a minute, I began to doubt if this was the same Gerard I met the first time I came to this mansion.

I walked to the table and sat quietly while Gerard sat on the bed and read through some documents.

His phone began to ring and I couldn't help but wonder who would call him so late at night.

He stared at the phone for a very long time before finally answering it. "Hello."

I couldn't hear what the person from the other end was saying but I could guess that it was something quite important.

"She is fine now..." he answered the person and I guessed they were talking about me which was strange because I didn't know anyone related to him except the doctor and the people in the house.

I looked at him confused but he concentrated on the call. "They are dead... Two were shot, we aren't sure what happened to the last person."

Immediately he said this, I faced my food and continued eating as though I didn't hear anything.

I ate as much as I could and felt better. After all, I still had to worry about school tomorrow.

I walked to my closet and changed into my pyjamas and then went to my bed. Gerard was still in the room but as soon as he saw that I was about to sleep, he picked up his stuff and began to walk away.

Good! I didn't even want him to stay here because I wouldn't be able to answer his questions.

Just then, I heard him stop in his steps and walk back to the bed. Wait, what? What on Earth is he doing?

I placed my head and hand and closed my eyes as I heard the side of the bed sink in. I stood up abruptly and turned to look at him. "Isn't the renovation in your room completed?"

I asked as I looked at him sceptically and he just shrugged. "It is completed." was all he said before laying and facing the ceiling.

Um... Didn't he get the gist? I wanted to sleep and certainly, this wouldn't make me sleep well.

"Then... Go to your room." I said as a matter of factly.

"I want to stay here with my wife. Is that a problem," he said this so fluently that I didn't even know what to say back.

"Besides, who will protect you if they come again?" Gerard knew that it would be impossible for them to come again but he was using this as a way to stay with me.

"Well, I can pro...." I wanted to say I can protect myself but that would just make things even worse.

Gerard raised his brow and waited for me to finish my statement but I couldn't say anything more.

"Fine." I took some pillows and placed them between us but as I was dropping them, he was removing them.

"What are you doing?" I asked getting frustrated by this attitude of his.

"I should be asking you that." he looked at me seriously and sat up straight. "Placing the pillows there would make the space very small and I won't be able to move easily."

I furrowed my brow and totally lost my cool. "Well... Sleep on the couch."

"Sleep Ayla and stop being stubborn." was all he said before turning around and closing his eyes.