You Ayla... I want you...

"Oh, now I understand... You don't like this food... So what would you prefer?" I asked genuinely interested in cooking the dish myself.

Gerard moved closer and I thought he wanted to remove something from my hair but then, our eyes locked and I didn't have control over my muscles anymore.

He came closer and closer until our nose touched and that was a wake up call for me.

I began to move backwards using my hand as support against the bed but Gerard kept coming closer and closer until I was lying on the bed with him hovering over me.

"You Ayla... I want you." he didn't give me a second to process what he just said before sealing our lips together. My eyes were widened because this whole thing happened too quickly.

I wanted to protest but with the slight opening of my lips, he used the opportunity to invade my mouth, skillfully kissing and playing with my tongue but instead of pushing him away, my muscles felt weak and I felt powerless against his advances.