You can sleep in my room.

The secretary left to get the people Gerard was supposed to be meeting. He walked up to me and sat on the couch where I was seated.

"You have a meeting to attend to. How about I just step out?" I asked knowing full well that I would be uncomfortable staying in the office while they discuss business matters.

"No, you don't have to. But if it makes you uncomfortable, you can always use my room," he suggested.

I looked over to the place he was talking about and blinked twice. "You have a room in your office?" I asked surprised and he nodded.

I looked in the direction and nodded subconsciously. I wanted to know what the room looked like and staying there would be better than roaming around after all.

"Okay, I'll just go for a while, take your time," I responded indicating that he didn't have to rush the meeting because of me.

He nodded and walked me to the room. When we got to the door, he opened it for me and I sighed seeing how dark it was.