The Red Blood Moon

In the Jarek mansion, Anastasia paced to and fro biting her nails. It had been months now since Gerard and Ayla just left the mansion without saying anything.

She was worried not for their safety but for other unnecessary reasons.

The old granny walked in and saw her parents in again as usual. "What is it this time?" she asked with an indifferent face as she walked to the bed and placed her feet on the table.

The granny knew exactly who Anastasia what thinking about but still asked anyway.

Anastasia stopped pacing and rushed to the old woman. "Grandma, what if they..." she paused and the old woman looked at her confused.

"Huh?" she raised her brow at Anastasia quizzically waiting for the young girl to complete her statement.

Anastasia lowered her head embarrassed and worried at the same time. She spoke in an inaudible tone but the granny could hear her. "What... What if she has a baby for him?"