Tormented All Night

I shook my head and responded to his numerous questions. "I'm fine." I managed to respond.

"You don't sound fine. I should call Qin." he insisted raising his hand again and I pulled his hand gently.

"No... I promise I'm fine. It's just..." I pursed my lips and didn't know how to complete the sentence.

Gerard looked at me nervously and awaited my response but it was quite difficult for me to say it to him.

"It's just..." he persuaded me to talk and I sighed.

"You wouldn't understand. It's nothing out of the ordinary." I smiled trying to conceal the real deal and just explain the surface.

"Huh? Then what is it? Is it your head? Do you have a fever? Mr Isaac..." he was still talking when I blurted out the main cause of my distress.

"I'm on my period." the entire room became silent and it was as though time stopped for a second.