Just a doctor

Qin sighed when he got a call from Johnathan. It was time for him to go to the mansion and Johnathan was calling to remind him.

He pulled his eyes bag and wondered what he should do once he meets Kara. "Why am I suddenly worried about what she would think?" he wondered as he stared at the road with his hand on the steering.

Soon, Qin got to Johnathan's residence and had the intention to complete his assignment without letting someone get on his nerves.

"She hasn't left her room since early this afternoon. I'll let her know that you're here." Johnathan informed Qin before leaving for Kara's room.

As Qin waited in the living room, Kel came out of her room to get some water. She had been feeling dehydrated these days and needed more water than usual.

She walked past without noticing Qin but when she was returning to her room, she noticed him sitting quietly on the couch.