Bring her to China

The next day, Gerard got ready very early in the morning. He also had to be away for a week but wasn't sure if he would make it back in time.

He kissed Ayla's forehead and this gesture of his woke her up instantly. "Um..." she snuggled in the bed and opened her eyes slightly. "You're leaving already?" she asked still half asleep.

"Um." he had told her a few weeks back that he would have to leave town for a while and the day has finally come.

Seeing Ayla's beautiful face made him wish that he could push his travelling back but he had to get this issue over and done with.

He tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled. "You should sleep some more. You don't need to see me off, after all, yesterday was quite a long day for you and you still have to go to work in a few hours."