Sure daddy

Ayla's door was knocked down and ran to the bed. Sigh... "Why did you have to lock the door?" she protested seeing Ayla asleep on her bed.

Ayla's eyelashes fluttered before she finally opened them. She saw Diana looking at her tiredly and sat up. "Urgh..." she stretched before looking around carefully.

"Did I sleep for too long?" Ayla asked seeing that Diana was in her room early this morning. Diana walked around the room looking for someone.

Ayla could not care less and just watched her search the room. "What are you looking for? Did something happen?" she asked still feeling sleepy.

"Did anyone come in here?" Diana asked picking up the faint scent of something off.

Ayla pouted and shrugged. "I don't know... Besides, the door was locked so I doubt anyone came in. Why?"

Diana looked around then shook her head. "It's nothing," she concluded that she may have been overreacting now that Gerard was away.