You want a sacrifice? I'll give you one

Valerie sighed and then responded, "If you were asked to choose between your husband or the fate of an entire village, what would be your answer?"

Ayla was quiet for a while. The first thing that crossed her mind was choosing Gerard but when she thought about the innocent lives that would be lost, she remained silent.

Vienna sighed then murmured, "It's okay to be greedy sometimes. In the world that we live in, no one really cares about others."

Ayla looked at her but still gave no response. This action of hers caused Valerie to smile. "The same thing goes for Gerard. He loves you too much that he would rather give up his world to save you."

Ayla didn't reveal any expression but when she thought deeper about what the lady in green said, she turned to look at her surprised. 'What does she mean by he would give up his world?'