Selfish duo

The days went by so quickly and it was soon time for her meeting with CSG's representatives. To make matters more complicated, she had to follow Lisa to the meeting as an assistant secretary.

"What are you going to do about it? You can't attend the meeting and still, go as an assistant secretary."

Ayla sighed. "I didn't plan to go as the owner of ESSENCE anyway. I already asked the vice president to go in my stead and he was more than delighted to do so."

"Did you tell him you were also an assistant secretary and you would be present at the meeting?" he asked concerned.

Ayla helped him with his black suit and then knot his tie as well. "Don't worry. I have it all sorted out. No one will know until the inauguration."

Gerard looked at her surprised. "You don't want them to know till then? Why the suspense?" he asked confused and she patted his shoulders after she finished knotting his tie.