The paper dance

Marcus and the werewolf king stood at the dance floor. A big squared paper was brought, the paper was places beside them in the room.

"May I have this dance," the werewolf king requested him.

Marcus wanted to scoff, the way that he acted was as though that he cared about his opinion. It was worth a laugh. The same man who had forced his way into his life was asking for permission.

"Why don't you just force me," Marcus let out unconcerned. He could care less of the werewolf king, the beast could do as he pleased, he didn't care.

"I would but this would be much fun if you willingly danced with me," the man said to him.

The King took his hand and guided him to stand on the piece of paper. The challenge was to start soon and he was bent on winning. The rules of the dance were explained.

If one of he dancers stepped their feet out of the paper then they would be disqualified. The couple to remain standing by the end of the challenge won the contest.

"Music," Marcus's father announced.

The music started playing. It was a romantic slow song that was a dedication to their marriage.

The King guided the prince to wrap his hand around his neck. He on the hand kept his hands on Marcus's waist. They moved to the music dancing careful not to step out of the piece of paper under their feet.

"We are married now," the king uttered. Marcus raised his gaze to face. He was aware of it and there was no need for the man to rub it in that he had gotten his way. "Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to hurt you with my words," the werewolf king added.

"I would be a fool if I believed you," the prince replied to him.

"As per the custom of mine, a new bride of mine can ask me for any gift he or she desires and I will grant it," he went on. "Calling off our marriage is not off the table."

His words rang in Marcus's ears. For all that the man had done to get him to that point it felt like a joke to be given an off so easily. For him to give him such an offer their had to be a catch.

"What is the catch?" he asked not buying the whole thing. No king was that generous and from the rumors he had heard. The werewolf king was by far a nice person.

"Nothing, say the word and I will walk away and not return ever again," he informed to him.

"That concludes the first round," they heard and stopped dancing. They looked around to see that three dancers had been disqualified from the competition for best couple.

They were asked to get off the paper. They were moving to the next round of the dance.

The paper was folded into half and placed in the same place. Marcus did not wait for the king to speak to him, he himself wanted to hear more of the deal the man was offering.

The King followed his lead and joined him. The music started playing and they began to dance. "If I ask you to kill yourself?" Marcus asked him.

"Then I will have my head cut off right now," the king replies without blinking. He was a man of his word, if he made a promise then he would keep it but he hated forcing people to do things that they didn't want to.

He teased to an extent but he understood his limits and he would never dare to cross his limits with anyone ever. The prince had insisted on not being with him and he wasn't going to force him.

He had a palace full of women back at home, he would only add to the collection so it made no difference if they married or not. He found Marcus to be cute but had not cared enough to be broken if the male decided to leave him.

"That won't be needed," Marcus let out. He was just testing to see if the king was telling the truth. He was happy to see than the man was not lying to him.

He opened his mouth to ask him to end the marriage and walk away. When his eyes caught sight of the people around him. He had been caught up in his own world that he had not taken the time to take in his subjects expressions.

They were all watching him and the king. They had tears in their eyes, he was sure that the tears weren't because he had gotten married. It was for the freedom and for the end of the war.

When they looked at the two if them dancing, they didn't see a newly wee but the key to the end of the war that had taken such a great toll on all of them. It was so sad that they held such high hopes in his wedding when he was about to end it.

He realised that his marriage was there hope of surviving the war. Their was no way that they would live otherwise, the peace would end if his marriage came to an end.

As the prince of his land, it was his duty to bring peace to the people. It was probably torture to be with a man but it would be heartbreaking if his people suffered because of him and what he had done.

For them, he was ready to accept to be married to a man. In war, he would be able to ensure that his loved ones will not die so this option was better. Sacrifice one life to have everyone else.

"I know what I want," he whispered to the king. The werewolf king paid attention to him, he was curious what the prince had decided. "I want you to make me your most beloved and treasured partner. Of all your wives, I should have the top priority and hence I want you" Marcus said to him.

If he was going to be forced to marry a man with many wives, he was securing his place in the palace.