Being marked

Prince Marcus was escorted to the queen's palace. A room was arranged for him with all the special necessities made for him. Special maids and man servants were brought to him.

Since it was late, he got ready for bed. His man servant got him ready for bed, in his night gown. He sprayed some perfume on him that he had found on the make up table.

The night was young and the prince was tired. He went to bed right away, unknown to him was the fact that there was someone inside the room with him.

The silhouette moved from behind the curtains to the bed as he slept. The shadow had a veil on, on her hand was a book that she opened all the while not breaking contact with Marcus.

"The chosen one has arrived," the shadow uttered over the boy.

As he spoke more people emerged from the shadows and surrounded Marcus's bed. Each of them wearing a veil on their shoulder.

"Only he can sew the future of Zayion," the shadow announced. "But his powers have limitations," he added.

"We can't have that," a female voice spike from among those that surrounded the prince's bed.

"The closer he gets romantically to a person, the weaker he will grow," the shadow with the book spoke. "He must not get romantically involved with anyone if he is to do as he destined," he added.

He read from the book, a golden light emerged from the book and went into Marcus. He was the chosen one from the legends and his arrival marked the beginning of a better future for Zayion or it's doom, depending on how things play out.

They all disappeared back into the shadows after confirming what they needed. Marcus cluelessly continued to sleep unaware that his future had been decided for him.

He had no idea that he had become the target of the midnighters, who would go to any lengths to have him fulfill his destiny.

Not long after they left, the window of the room was pulled open. The King sneakily made his way into the room, he was stepping softly to the floor not to wake the person sleeping on the bed.

He slipped under the blankets and had cuddle Marcus from the back. He took a deep breath to get the smell into his lungs. The scent in the air was a breath of fresh air for him. It was the only thing that could get him to sleep.

"I am sorry Reina, I was unable to spend the night with those women. You smell so good," he said half asleep anf half drunk.

Even in his state he could track his queen's smell from miles away. Unknown to him was the fact that it was Marcus on the bed and not his queen. The perfume that the man servant had sprayed on Marcus happened to belong to the queen.

He tightened his hold on Marcus and fell asleep with his head on Marcus's shoulder.

The window he had come in through was still open. The cold wind of the night hit the two of them causing them to inch a lot more closer to each other.

They pulled the blankets to cover their bodies and embraced each other tightly. The king's warm body provided just the heat that Marcus was craving. He didn't think much in his state and moved to get close to the king.

The King moved around on the bed, his hands clenched and unclenched from the bad dream that he was getting. It was the dream from a memory that has haunted him since he was a child.

The loneliness and pain the memory brought him was something that he could never get over. The only way to stop it was thinking of what made him happy.

He thought of his queen and everything that he loved about her. The happy thoughts got him a little relaxed but even the Queen in his dream was slipping away from him.

He couldn't have that happened so he did what he thought would make her stay with him forever. He decided to give her the one thing on him that she had made a claim on since the very day they met.

He had always been a little hesitant to give it to her but he felt it was the right time. He turned the Queen in his dream to face him, while in reality he was turning prince Marcus to look at him.

He leaned his head to his Marcus's neck while thinking that he was his queen and bite him. Marcus screeched from the pain but his body was too exhausted for him to get up. The King kissed the bite mark that he had made at the nape of his neck and sucked on it.

He was filled with relief after marking her. Now from then henceforth, he belonged only to her and her to him. As he had marked her, he would never be able to tolerate any other person's touch, presence and smell except for her.

It didn't matter to him now how much she ran from him. The both of them were tied to each other for life, and now she couldn't send him to other women even if she wanted to.

He was going to make her the happiest woman in the world. All this and he had no idea that the person that he had marked was not his dear queen but Marcus.

Unknowingly the servant that had gotten Marcus ready for bed had caused chaos in the kingdom. He had set an invincible fire in the palace that was going to consume everyone that lived there.

Marcus continued to sleep. He was without a clue of how much his wedding night had changed his future completely. Not just the midnighters but many more enemies were made only by him being there.

The sun was soon to the sky but the darkness in the prince's life had only just began.